Android 12 Go Edition Introduced – All Features

Android 12 Go Edition Introduced All Features

Google’s It’s been a few months since it released the Android 12 operating system. And now the tech giant is finally for entry-level smartphones. Android 12 Go Released Edition.

The new version of Android 12, especially performance and privacyvarious in terms of upgrades and improvements It comes with. The company has announced that Android 12 Go Edition is currently available in the market. compared to the best Android Go phones; up to 30 percent faster performance He says he can deliver.

We hope that users before the application is loaded on the screen means they don’t have to wait a few seconds. Also, battery performance on this updated OS has improved.

An increasing focus on improving the user experience focusing there is. In addition, in parallel, Google recent apps screen on the way; It has also added a feature that will show users options to translate the content displayed on the screen.

of users security As users become more concerned about apps that access sensitive data introduced a privacy board that they can see. It also promises an indicator that will notify users when an app uses the camera or microphone on the device.

Besides the system-wide changes, some built-in apps also have new features. E.g Files Go application, with a feature that allows users to recover deleted files within 30 days updated.

See: Google Introduced Android 12L for Chrome OS Devices!
