Andrii, leader of a reconnaissance group in Ukraine: “In front, they don’t care about being killed”

Andrii leader of a reconnaissance group in Ukraine In front

He is a direct witness to Russian combat methods, in particular that of the paramilitary group Wagner. Andrii, a member of a reconnaissance unit of the Ukrainian army, tells our special envoys about the violence of the fighting around Bakhmout, in the Donbass.

From our special correspondents in Kramatorsk,

Before the interview, a verification is necessary: Commander, what am I saying? ? That I’m the leader of a recon group? Sorry, I’m asking because you never know what’s secret and what’s not.. »

Before Bakhmout, Andrii was on the southern front, in Kherson. ” Over there, we had, opposite, regular forces and the commanders were trying to preserve their men. They weren’t swinging them like logs in the fire. Here they throw them to death. The soldiers themselves know they are going to die. They just don’t know if it will be a Ukrainian bullet, or one from the Russians that they have behind them, and which prevents them from coming back.. »

► To read also: Ukraine: in the Donbass, the consequences of the cold on the war

“They walk on the bodies of their comrades”

He and his men go to meet the enemy. On the front line to see now at work the hundreds of Russian soldiers launched by the Wagner group and largely recruited from the prisons.

It’s like in this movieWarZ, Where World War Z, I do not know anymore. Zombies are at war. It’s exactly the same. They step on the bodies of their comrades. It’s really interesting. For me, they take drugs. It’s not alcohol, it’s different. Because they don’t feel fear. They don’t care about being killed. They only crumble when they can’t walk at all. »

► To read also: Ukraine: in Soledar, a front far from being frozen

“We’re going to win, that’s for sure. It remains to be seen at what price »

After months of being harassed, the young man is asked how he feels. Even if it’s all on his face. ” Tiredness. Tiredness. I mean, like everyone here. It’s quite hard. What to do ? We are very motivated. One must keep. We will win, for sure. It remains to be seen at what price. How many people will have to die? But I have no doubt about the very next victory. Maybe not this month, not the next, but soon. »

The Ukrainians, conscious of not being able to throw so many men to death, demand more equipment, armored vehicles, artillery and, for Andrii’s group, more reconnaissance drones.

► To read also: Ukraine: civilians still in the city of Bakhmout live thanks to humanitarian aid
