Andrew Garfield went without sex and starved for 6 months for master director

Andrew Garfield went without sex and starved for 6 months

Method acting is one of the most controversial acting techniques. Stars merge so much with the role that the character also goes into private life and sometimes even extreme measures to prepare is grabbed. Prominent examples of modern method actors in Hollywood include Christian Bale and Jared Leto.

Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield has also now outed as a fan of the controversial method and enthusiastically shares his experience filming Martin Scorsese’s Silence.

You can watch the Silence trailer here:

Silence – Trailer (German) HD

Andrew Garfield celebrates renunciation of hunger and sex as a spiritual experience

In Silence, Garfield plays a 17th-century Jesuit priest who works with another priest (Adam Driver) to spread the word of God in Japan. As reported by the Hollywood Reporter, the star now spoke to Marc Maron in the WTF podcast his method acting experience for the movie.

He explains that he is for Silence abstained from sex for six months and starved himself down Has. A very special experience for Garfield:

I had a incredibly spiritual experience. I did a few spiritual exercises every day, I created new rituals for myself. I was abstinent for six months and fasted a lot because me and Adam had to lose a lot of weight anyway. It was very cool man. I had some pretty wild, trippy experienceswhen I gave up sex and food back then.

Method acting, as Garfield celebrates it, is gaining ground in the industry also dissenting votes. For example, Javier Bardem recently criticized Jared Leto for his Joker performance in Suicide Squad. For Bardem, a clear line should be drawn between acting and private life.

Next to his Spider-Man Returns Andrew Garfield was last seen in No Way Home as the lead in Murder for God. The mini-series does not yet have a German start date.

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What is your opinion on method acting?
