Andreï Makine, the Russian heartbreak

Andrei Makine the Russian heartbreak

I see him as an immortal (which he is) in a writer’s hideout that feels like a writing bunker. That’s what I imagine.

What an honor in G Major to have in front of me Andrei Makine which I just read The old calendar of a love. A piercing and intimidating gaze, a rather mysterious biography that begins in Siberia, and which continues with abandonment and adoption. The abandonment of Pushkin’s language for that of Zola. Behind all that, there might be a grand-maternal language. Guardian of an elegant classicism, Makine the academician puts a Russian light on many of his novels, far from the din of the world and this Ukrainian war of which we have only a Western reading. Who knows, maybe the guardian will enlighten us, thanks to the evocation of The Armenian friend (appeared in paperback) and French will (Goncourt Prize and Medici Prize 1995)

The musical choices of Andreï Makine

Schubert Trio

Branch The Boréades, Entrance to Polymnie

Ludovico Einaudi Primavera
