Andreas Nilsson snubbed and scored when Sweden outclassed Ukraine

See Andreas Nilsson’s disallowed goal and his comeback goal in the player above.

After 50 minutes of play, “Stycket” broke free at the line and was able to evict 38-22, his first goal in the comeback.

He looked set to score his first goal in the first half but was snubbed.

“Stycket” got a nice pass from the right wing and was able to make it 16-7 – most people thought, but the goal was disallowed, which was hard to understand.

– It was a shame that he didn’t get the goal. He was far from the line, I don’t know if the judges thought he went inside and then went out again, asks SVT’s expert Magnus Grahn.

The victory was based on the edge game

Center six Nilsson didn’t contribute much to the game when it was swirling on the edges.

– Sweden has been too superior in its nine-meter game so that the middle sixes have not been used as much. You still get past in nine meters, says Grahn.

– The game suits me as a winger, says Hampus Wanne, who scored all five of his goals in the first half.

Andreas Nilsson was a given in the national team for eight years, but was pushed when Glenn Solberg took over as national team captain.

Before the World Cup at home last year, Andreas Nilsson was in the gross squad and was dropped when the final squad was selected. Then “Stycket” had enough.

This was Sweden’s last international match of the year. In January, the EC finals await in Germany, where Sweden has a gold medal to defend.
