Andersson in frontal attack against SD in party leader debate

Shortly after Wednesday’s party leader debate in the Riksdag began, the Social Democrats’ Magdalena Andersson launched a frontal attack against the Sweden Democrats’ revelations about troll accounts and the government’s handling of this.
– The Sweden Democrats refuse to play with open cards. It’s a way of working that brings to mind Russia, she says.

After Cold Facts disclosure about SD’s troll factory and anonymous accounts, strong criticism has been directed at the Sweden Democrats from various quarters. Even SD themselves have criticized TV4 and the disclosure.

In Wednesday’s party leader debate in the Riksdag, there is a strong exchange of words between all parties. Social Democrats party leader Magdalena Andersson began by directing criticism at both the Riksdag parties and the Sweden Democrats.

– We still don’t know the extent of this. How many accounts there are and what they have spread. Simply because the Sweden Democrats refuse to play with open cards. It’s a way of working that brings to mind Russia, she says.

She goes on to criticize SD’s handling of the disclosure.

– The Sweden Democrats are instead launching a full-scale attack on their political opponents, on their partner parties and on the entire Swedish journalist corps, says Andersson (S).


At the same time that she criticizes the troll accounts of the Sweden Democrats, she directs her words at the governing parties and the prime minister who “must answer completely legitimate questions”.

– What does plan B look like? Because it cannot be that you Moderates, Crisis Democrats and Liberals will legitimize this type of dark undemocratic methods by continuing as if nothing has happened, Andersson (S) continues.

Later, during the debate, she calls on the prime minister to “dissociate” from SD’s handling. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) responds by saying that he has “already answered” and says that he has agreed with the criticism that has been made against the Sweden Democrats.

– I am not going to answer what the Sweden Democrats are doing in their communications department. Ask the Sweden Democrats that question. I take responsibility for this government, says Ulf Kristersson (M).

Democratic election

The Left Party’s party leader Nooshi Dadgostar also addressed the Prime Minister.

– The EU Parliament has been clear that manipulated elections with fake accounts run counter to free and fair elections. According to Swedish law, it is a crime to distort the outcome of the election or improperly influence the vote, she says.

Furthermore, she believes that it is Ulf Kristersson’s responsibility as head of government that democratic elections are carried out correctly.

– Does Ulf Kristersson intend to take that responsibility, shut down the Sweden Democrats’ troll factories now that we are in an EU election? says Dadgostar (V).

The text is updated
