Andersson chooses L over V in a government

Andersson chooses L over V in a government

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screenIn SVT’s party leader hearing, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) says that she would rather see the Liberals than the Left Party in a future government. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) would rather see the Liberals than the Left Party in a future government. She says that in SVT’s party leader hearing.

According to Andersson, she is prepared to cooperate with all parties except the Sweden Democrats. When she gets the opportunity to choose a future government after the election, she highlights the previous January collaboration as an alternative – S, MP, C and L.

– It would have been a possibility again, but it is based on L coming back. They have ended up wrong, says Andersson.

Skeptical of V

On the other hand, she does not see a government in which the Left Party is included as likely, despite V leader Nooshi Dadgostar’s demands for ministerial positions.

– I am skeptical about it. During the summer, they sat and waved PKK flags, that is nothing that builds government capacity in my eyes. It is an organization branded as a terrorist and that makes me doubtful, says Andersson.

– However, I am happy to collaborate with them.

During the hearing, Andersson did not want to make any promises about new tax cuts on fuel. She is also not prepared to spend any tax money on the development of new nuclear power in the country.

– We have a long list of private players who want to invest in more wind power, and perhaps we should talk more about how more municipalities say yes to wind power.

Pressed about shootings

Andersson was pressed during the hearing about the increased shootings and growing gang crime during the Social Democrats’ eight years in power.

The prime minister points out that several measures have been taken, such as that the judiciary has received more tools and that more police officers have been hired, but that she is not satisfied with the development.

– We have obviously not done enough to break segregation and stop young people from becoming criminals.
