Andersson: A brutal act of violence | SVT News

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It was during the night towards Saturday that several shots were fired at a gay bar in central Oslo. The act occurred during Oslo’s Pride celebration and on Saturday morning it was announced that the city’s Pride Parade will be canceled due to the shooting.

Been in contact with the Norwegian Prime Minister

Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) writes in a comment to TT that she was in contact with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre during the morning to express her support and offer help.

She condemns the violence as brutal and emphasizes that Sweden is united with neighboring Norway.

“It is with a heavy heart that I follow the reporting from Oslo. The motive is still unknown, but the fact that the attack was carried out at a gay bar reminds many of the hatred that is too often directed at LGBTQ people “, she writes to TT.

The Moderates’ party leader Ulf Kristersson has also commented on the act of violence:

“Several people have been killed and injured. And as a result, today’s Pride Parade in Oslo is canceled. However, one thing is completely clear: in a free and open society, everyone has the right to love whoever they want – and the right to manifest that love together with others. Here, as a state, society and citizens, we must never give in. ” writes Ulf Kristersson in one posts on Facebook.

“Deeply shaking”

In a posts on Facebook, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre calls the act of violence “cruel”.

“The shooting outside the London pub in Oslo last night was a cruel and deeply shocking attack on innocent people. My thoughts go to the victims and their relatives. We do not yet know what was behind this terrible act, but to all the LGBTQI people who are now afraid and mourning, we want to say that we are all with you in this “, he writes.

Norway’s Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl tells VG that she is in close and ongoing contact with the police about the situation.

– Norway is a society that is based on feeling trust in each other and where everyone should feel safe when you are out on a Saturday night. The police have arrested a suspected perpetrator and are now working to clarify the facts, she says to VG.

We were supposed to celebrate Pride – but now the grief overshadows everything

Oslo Mayor Raymond Johansen has also written one posts on Facebook where he expresses his support for victims and relatives.

“Today we would celebrate love with a big party in the Pride parade through the streets of Oslo. Now the grief overshadows everything. But we will stand together today, tomorrow and every day after. For the right to love whoever you want “, he writes.
