Anders Öfvergård reported to the police for meat theft at Ica Maxi: “Set it right”

The TV profile Anders “The Angry Carpenter” Öfvergård, 55, was going to buy food at Ica Maxi in Stockholm on Wednesday. After he paid at the register, flipped the receipt and went out through the barriers, he was quickly stopped by the staff who wanted to see what he had in the bag. It would result in a police report, writes the newspaper Expressen.

Anders Öfvergård: “No intention…”

According to the newspaper’s information, there must have been a couple of pieces of meat that slipped down without him paying for them. But Öfvergård himself tells Expressen that the whole thing is instead a misunderstanding. He denies that there must have been any intent and instead points out that the whole thing is probably about the scanner he used could be behind the error.

– I blink and it sounds. I have no intention of going in and snooping. Either there is a fault with the blip or it is a human error, and then of course I want to put it right, he tells the newspaper.
