Anders Blomquist’s worried verdict on Frida Karlsson – points out a big question mark before the World Cup: “Doesn’t look good”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Weeks left until the WC.
Then Anders Blomquist expresses concern for Frida Karlsson.
– It doesn’t look good at all right now, says the SVT expert.

Frida Karlsson won the Tour de Ski as the first Swede since Charlotte Kalla, and everything really looked perfect for this year’s ski WC. Karlsson looked to be in absolutely brilliant form, but then came the big setback.

The concern for Frida

Karlsson suddenly fell ill, which forced her to involuntarily rest, and it has now been several weeks since she last competed. It was not at all the arrangement that Frida Karlsson had hoped for before the big highlight of the season, but her coach, Per Nilsson, has said that it is not a crisis, as her basic form is so good.

Frida Karlsson. PHOTO: Bildbyrån

But Anders Blomquist still expresses some concern. The SVT expert believes that it “doesn’t look good”.

– Yes, now there are question marks, but it is not strange because she is coming back from illness and has had a long period. It doesn’t look good at all right now, but there are two weeks to go and Frida has shown before that she can turn half-decent form into a really good result. She has such a capacity so I’m not worried – but right now it’s not so good, says the SVT expert.

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The tribute to Ebba

Anders Blomquist is, however, all the more impressed by Ebba Andersson.

– It feels very safe. She is coming back from infection, took it easy after corona. She has tried to give it a chance, has been eager, wants back faster. They had to slow her down from doing too much too quickly, which was wise. She feels as stable as possible. We look forward to Andersson in the WC with great confidence. A gold candidate in all distance races, without a doubt. She is absolutely brilliant, he says.

200105 Anders Blomquist of Swedish broadcaster SVT after the men’s 10 km free technique mass start during Tour de Ski on January 5, 2020 in Val di Fiemme. Photo: Mathias Bergeld / BILDBYRÅN / Cop 200

Something that is unclear ahead of the WC, however, is who will get to run Sweden’s relay on the women’s side – and also in what order. Here, however, Anders Blomquist believes in Jonna Sundling as a key figure and finisher.

– You think it’s fun to try a relay – the only one before the championship – but it will still be the day form during the championship that determines who goes. What happened today probably doesn’t matter much when you select the WC team. They will be in the best shape, and then you want to find a natural, good finisher, and you have a very good one. There are alternatives, but Sundling is very strong.

READ MORE: Per Elofsson’s verdict on the national skiing team today – the icon now points out his favorite skiers: “Those two are damn good”
