Anders Besseberg: “Not taking advantage of my position”

During Wednesday in Buskerud district court in Norway, the accused Anders Besseberg, former chairman of the International Biathlon Union, who is accused of accepting bribes, defended himself. Among other things in the form of leasing cars, expensive watches, hunting and fishing trips and prostitutes.

He denied everything and rejected the accusation that in April 2013 he allegedly received sexual services from a prostitute paid by a Russian biathlete in a hotel in Moscow.

“Lay under the covers”

– I was in my hotel room when there was a knock on the door. Outside was a younger, normally dressed woman whom I let in, because I thought she was bringing information about tomorrow’s schedule. It is common to have such attachments when you do not speak the language of the country you are in, Anders Besseberg said during the trial.

Besseberg says he let the woman in and went to lie down again under the covers. He further explains that he tried to talk to the woman and tell her that he needed to sleep, but she only answered in Russian.

The woman then allegedly shook her head, said something in Russian and left the room.

– I did not receive any sexual favors from this woman, who was perhaps in my room for barely two or three minutes, concludes Besseberg.

The trial will last six weeks. Besseberg is accused of gross corruption and risks up to ten years in prison.

SEE ALSO: This has happened – the Besseberg case
