ANC files an appeal to the TAR on the new Code of Ethics for Accountants and Accounting Experts

ANC files an appeal to the TAR on the new

(Finance) – “We consider it a duty towards the category, also in compliance with the provisions of our Statute”, thus Marco Cuchel, president of the ANC, following the filing of the appeal with the TAR of Lazio against the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts for the annulment of the resolution approving the new Code of Ethics, criticizing its method as well as its merit.

“After having made all possible attempts to modify the text of the draft, put out for consultation by the National Council for too long small, insufficient to make colleagues aware of the contents of the document and to stimulate the necessary debate within the category – continues Cuchel – and after having forwarded our findings, the text was approved with some non-substantial changes. Therefore, critical issues remain which in our opinion cannot be ignored, as they risk seriously compromising the activity of all of us members, as well as undermining the founding principles of our profession”.

The National Accountants Association deemed it necessary to resort to TAR, reporting various critical issues; in particular the strong limitations that the new code imposes in terms of communication with potential customers, already governed by rules of a superior nature. Another point of note is the reduction of freedom of criticism and the excessive arbitrariness given to the Disciplinary Councils, in identifying harmful behavior and attributing it to the violation of the rules. Furthermore, the illegitimate interference of the National Council in the freedom of members to determine the compensation* for their customers not subject to the fair
compensation, in the absence of limits established by law.

“We hope” concludes Cuchel “that this matter can end soon and that there is a *redde rationem* from those who, perhaps, have
underestimated our attention and our determination.”
