Anastasia almost had a cardiac arrest in GVFÖ: “Red and swollen”

Anastasia almost had a cardiac arrest in GVFO Red and

When Anastasia Exner27, and Torsten Malmgård, 27, was going to meet the other couples in Married at First Sight, it didn’t quite go as planned. Even before dinner, Anastasia developed a fever, hives on her arms and had difficulty breathing.

When the ambulance came to collect Anastasia, they could tell that she had suffered an anaphylactic shock and that she was close to a cardiac arrest.

Now Anastasia has chosen to speak out about the unpleasant experience.

Linnea married Jim at first sight: “Annoying”

News24 has previously written about the participants in Married at First Sight 2024. In total, there are four couples who get married during the season.

The couples getting married are:

  • Anastasia Exner and Torsten Malmgård
  • Rosanna Segerstedt and Christoffer Sundén
  • Emmy Johansson and Matthias Cedergren
  • Linnea Alsberg and Jimmy Nordqvist
  • “Must in the name of ethics weed out certain people”

    When Nyheter24 spoke to Kalle Norwaldone of the program’s experts, it emerged that the casting for the program went on for a long time.

    Already in February, production began with Married at First Sight 2024.

    The couples go through an extensive process, with questionnaires, interviews and psychologist visits.

    – Then there are some eminent casters who meet many, many people who apply for the program. In the name of ethics, we have to weed out certain people, whom we do not judge to be good, Kalle Norwald told Nyheter24 at the time and continued:

    – We try to match people’s wishes, insights and dreams as best we can.

    The participants in “Married at First Sight” 2024. Photo: Miranda Johansson/SVT.

    Married at First Sight 2024: Participant in the new season

    Got adrenaline pen and oxygen

    During the episode, Anastasia tells that she has never been through anything like this. Although she has type 1 diabetes, she has never been allergic to anything before.

    To counteract the anaphylactic shock, she received an adrenaline pen in her leg and oxygen. After the incident, she had to spend the night in hospital.

    Also present was the new husband Torsten.

    Anastasia and Torsten call 112. Photo: Screenshot/SVTNastasia Exner: “Red and swollen”

    In a post on Instagram, Anastasia chose to comment on the situation. Under the post, she writes:

    – Ugh, how hard it was to see the finished episode. See myself first at the back with uncombed hair, then sweaty, nauseous, with low blood sugar, crying and finally bright red and swollen on the way into an ambulance, she writes and adds:

    – I wanted to manage by myself, laugh it off and not ask for help. So nice that the people around me saw my need and helped me anyway. I never felt unsafe or scared.

    Read more news from Nyheter24 here:

    That’s why the Married at First Sight contestants are so young this year

    Married at First Sight 2024: Participants’ Instagram accounts

    The “Married at First Sight” participants are not allowed to talk about it
