Analysis: The Russians were surprised when the speeches about Apple’s return to Russia began – there is a completely sensible explanation for the reaction | Foreign countries

Analysis The Russians were surprised when the speeches about Apples

Following a meeting between Russian and US delegations in Saudi Arabia, rumors began to move in Russia that up to 350 western companies would return to Russia by the end of this year.

According to media sources, for example, Americans Pepsico, Coca-ColaMicrosoft, Cisco, Johnson & Johnson, Nike, Starbucks and McDonald’s.

It’s a rumor. Most Western brands have not confirmed their claims to Russia.

At the beginning of March Anton Gorelkin reported, that the IT giant Apple returns to Russia as soon as a ceasefire with Ukraine is born.

In many Russians, Gorelkin’s claims aroused amazement. It turned out that In the opinion of several Russians Apple had never left Russia.

From the point of view of the Russians, the claim is completely logical

The American technology company Apple interrupted the sale of its products in Russia in March 2022 after Russia began an extensive attack in Ukraine.

Partly Apple’s decision was related to US sanctions that restrict the export of military technology or dual operating technology to Russia.

However, Russian dealers have purchased iPhone phones for sale without the permission of the manufacturer or official importer from Kazakhstan and China. In Russia, the method is called “parallel imports”.

That is why many Russians consider it strange that Apple is returning to Russia. IPhone phones have been on the shelves of Russian shops throughout the war.

Apple has not secured its devices in Russia, which it released since 2022. Thus, Russians do not receive software or security updates for the latest telephone models.

Although Apple complies with Western sanctions policy, the company has still maintained its legal status in Russia. For example, it has not made a bankruptcy application to the Russian authorities and has continued to register patents in the country.

In February Apple supplied An application to the Russian Pantah’s Terrum Center for patenting the M3 procession circuit and received exclusive rights to a chip used on Mac computers in Russia until 2033.

In January the Russian Patent Register continued Until 2035, the exclusive rights of the Apple Badger and the Apple News Format trademark.

The company has also not canceled orders purchased by Russians from the app store.

You can still watch films and TV series on Apple TV on the Apple TV that Kreml has not censored.

Apple continued to fulfill its maintenance obligations in Russia during the war and Apple’s Authorized Service Centers were operating in Russia until summer 2024.

A million ways to circulate sanctions

Russians’ experiences that Apple has not left the country may be related to the fact that Russians have otherwise learned to circulate the West’s sanctions during the war.

Officially, Apple does not maintain equipment that is imported to the ground without the manufacturer’s permission but the Russian service center According to the leader The rule is circulated by sending parallel ties, and equipment that requires warranty repair to Russia’s neighboring countries.

Apple has been trying to limit Russians’ access to international payment systems by preventing the Russian debit card from connecting the Russian debit card to the Apple Pay.

However, the Russians have learned to circulate this restriction and have opened accounts in Serbian banks. Serbia is not a member of the EU and has not imposed the same sanctions in Russia as Western countries.

With the arrangement, the Russians have also been able to pay for their purchases in countries where the Russian MIR bank card does not become a payment method.

Europe and the United States have expanded their sanctions to capture loopholes, but new sanctions have mainly created innovations in Russia how to circumvent sanctions.

For example, Russian banks, which have been subjected to sanctions, have learned to download the so -called disguised version of their bank application to Apple’s app store.

The application passes mode and stays in the app store until Apple deletes it.

Where do the rumors come about to return to Apple?

Vice Chairman of the Duma Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Committee in Russia Anton Gorelkin claimed at the beginning of March, that Apple has wanted to go back to Russia all the time, but “the bad American government has prevented its intentions.”

Gorelk’s reference Joe Biden administration during which sanctions against Russia were tightened.

With the new president, Russia and the United States have begun to warm up their diplomatic and economic relationships, although Donald Trump Has made it clear that sanctions against Russia will not be dismantled until there is a ceasefire in Ukraine.

Russian leadership Among the words of Trump are optimisticly received.

Kremlin’s optimism is likely to be influenced by Russia’s typical belief in the unlimited influence of the president. The Russian leadership believes that the exhaust front will end as soon as Vladimir Putin And Trump meets. After that to Trump loyal American companies rushing to Russia.

With Trump’s bad pots, the Baltic States, the Nordic and British companies are expected to return to Russia among the last.

So the Russians of the Swedish Ikea do not believe in the quick return of Ikea, but the belief in the American Apple seems to be tough in the Russian state leadership.

Apple cannot officially return to Russia until the sanctions against Russia are dismantled. If that happens, it may be that the Russians do not notice the whole thing.

See MOT’s document on how Finnish companies have exported millions of euros to Russia, which Putin’s military machinery can use against Ukraine.
