Analysis: “Harris has an extremely demanding few months ahead of him”

Age and routine are normally an asset in American politics. But at the age of 81, it’s hard to argue against the laws of biology. And it wasn’t just about coping with the election campaign. Few Americans believed that Joe Biden would lead the world’s most important nation for the next four years.

Vice President Kamala Harris will be hard to bypass for the party. She is black, a woman and was on the ballot together with Biden, therefore she also automatically gets access to the campaign fund that has been collected.

US election 2024

  • Hours before the decision – Biden was informed of “non-existent” path to victory

  • Kamala Harris is kicking off her presidential campaign – millions rain in a few hours

  • But Harris is a questioned vice president, who has been rather invisible in his role and is described as both weak and inexperienced. Her opinion figures are also ominous.

    About as unpopular as Biden

    Logically, there should be no time for any Democrat to seriously challenge Donald Trump. Her only chance will be to be a sharp contrast.

    Harris is about as unpopular as Biden, and Trump is beating even the vice president in recent polls. But she is 20 years younger than Trump and can attract the minorities to the polls in November. In addition, Harris made a strong debate when she was pitted against Mike Pence in the last election campaign. Her time as a prosecutor in California and ability to argue is one of the experiences she will try to use.

    In the interviews we have seen with the vice president, she has often answered questions rather imprecisely and her nervous laugh annoys many followers. The Republican opponents describe her as a radical, while the criticism from her own party members mostly revolved around her often tough line as a prosecutor, when she demanded harsh penalties in high-profile court cases.

    Can be punished by the voters

    Harris’s main problem, however, is about the most sensitive issue for the Democrats: migration.

    Biden put illegal immigration on her table early on, but progress has been lacking. Since she took charge, the problem of migration has become increasingly acute and is no longer just an important issue for the border states. On the contrary, almost all American states are now affected.

    In many polls, illegal immigration has proven to be the most important issue for voters, and in a possible presidential election, Kamala Harris may be punished by voters for this failure, which is actually the debacle of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.
