(Finance) – Six hundred thousand boys involved every year, 250 amusement parks interested and a sector that is worth 15 million euros. These are the numbers behind the recent decision of theNational Anti -Corruption Authority (ANAC)which has simplified the procedures for the purchase of services intended for school trips and summer campus of non -significant amount.
Yes Finally unlocks the story linked to the micro custody legislationwhich since last autumn had paralyzed the organization of educational trips and recreational activities for students. In response to a question from the Italian Fun Parchi Association, which represents about 250 themed parks, aquatic, fauna and adventure, Anac confirmed the possibility of avoiding the purchase obligation through Mepa (Public Administration’s electronic market) for amounts up to 5,000 euros. It will be possible, until 30 June 2025, to use the Authority’s web interface instead.
This decision represents a real breath of oxygen for the sector, Which every year welcomes about 600 thousand children between school trips and summer campus. Not only will they benefit their amusement parks, but also cinema, theaters, museums and other cultural places, in addition to school institutions and public bodies involved in organizing these activities.
From 2023, theAnac had made mandatory the use of the Mepa platform also for reduced amounts, creating a significant bureaucratic burden for schools and operators in the sector. Thanks to this new clarification, micro purchases for tickets and cultural activities will now be exempt from these obligations, significantly simplifying administrative procedures.
Luciano Pareschi, president of the Italian Permanent Parks Associationhe commented: “We are satisfied with the answers obtained and aware that this decision will give a new impulse to the parks sector, in particular to the smallest ones disseminated in the area. The trips are a moment of aggregation and cultural enrichment for children and studentsbut for us they also represent a business worth 15 million euros per year, with a non -negligible induced that involves transport, catering and, in some cases, hotels “.