an unpublished candidacy announcement

an unpublished candidacy announcement

MACRON LETTER. Emmanuel Macron will unveil a “letter to the French” this Thursday, March 3 to officially run for the presidential election. A letter to be published in the early evening…

The essential

  • A letter to the French. This is the means that Emmanuel Macron has chosen to officially declare himself a candidate for the presidential election, this Thursday, March 3, 2022. The President of the Republic will announce his decision to the French in a simple letter, published in the evening on the sites of regional daily press newspapers. The letter will also be published in Friday’s paper versions. Little is known about what Emmanuel Macron wrote at this point. The international situation, which was the subject of a speech last night, should be briefly mentioned to explain this late application.
  • Emmanuel Macron has long postponed the announcement of his candidacy for the presidential election because, he explained, of the Covid health crisis as well as the tensions between Ukraine and Russia which finally degenerated into a war. The letter to the French appeared to be the most effective and sober way of applying again in this context. The Head of State did not have much time to announce his decision, the deadline being set for tomorrow, Friday, 6 p.m.
  • In the polls, Emmanuel Macron is given the lead at the end of the first round by all the institutes with around 25% of the votes and would be re-elected in all cases, with between 55 and 65% of the votes depending on the candidate facing him.
  • Find the latest news from his Emmanuel Macron campaign on our news feed.


3:45 p.m. – A letter to declare yourself a candidate, a new format

This is the first time that an outgoing president will seek the confidence of the French again by such means. In the past, all of his predecessors who have come before voters again have done so either in a speech, or in a television interview, or even in a statement in response to a question, such as the had done Jacques Chirac in 2002.

However, the letter is not an unknown exercise for Emmanuel Macron. Because this is not the first time that the head of state has used this method. In January 2019, he sent a letter to the population before the opening of the Great National Debate to invite his constituents to participate. The content has not leaked, but Emmanuel Macron should indicate the direction he wishes to give France for the coming five-year term, and more, in the light of a particularly turbulent mandate and punctuated by various national and global crises.

3:20 p.m. – Why did Emmanuel Macron delay declaring himself a candidate for the presidential election?

If he initially wanted to get out (definitively?) of the pandemic – which is in the process of being done -, the former Minister of the Economy intended above all to settle the conflict between Ukraine and Russia before announcing her decision. Very badly took him because his negotiations to put an end to the threats of Vladimir Putin did not succeed. The latter even experienced a bloody escalation with the decision of the head of the Kremlin to invade his neighbor. Faced with a European diplomatic and humanitarian conflict that is upsetting the balance and whose further escalation is feared, it is difficult, if not impossible, for Emmanuel Macron to ignore the tragic events to speak out and declare himself a candidate. It therefore remained to find the best method: he opted for a letter.

15:08 – At what time will Emmanuel Macron’s letter be published?

According to information from World, the letter written by Emmanuel Macron will be published from 8 p.m. on the websites of the various media that have obtained it. Available online this evening, it will also be printed in the newspapers which will appear on Friday.

1:10 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron announces his candidacy in a letter to the French

The false suspense had been dragging on for several weeks and Emmanuel Macron waited for the last hours to officially declare himself a candidate for re-election at the head of the Elysée. With a very tight timing he chose to announce his candidacy in a letter addressed to the French and published in regional press titles. If the statement is to appear on newsstands on Friday March 4, it will be available this evening on online press sites. The outgoing president should in his text specify the reasons which push him to run for a second term and, perhaps, explain the late arrival of his candidacy. According to The echoesto whom sources close to Emmanuel Macron implied that the declaration would take this form, the written announcement of the President of the Republic could be supplemented in the coming days with a television appearance.

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Emmanuel Macron candidate for the presidential election in 2022?

After weeks of false suspense, Emmanuel Macron will formalize his candidacy for the presidential election, Thursday March 3, 2022, in a letter addressed to the French and published in the titles of the regional daily press. He said he “wants” to, but the head of state delayed announcing his decision for a long time. The President of the Republic had explained that he wanted to get out of the health crisis and settle the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. If the first point is on the way to being resolved, the second, on the contrary, has worsened and war has been unleashed. But faced with the timetable imposed by the Constitutional Council, the tenant of the Elysée is forced to announce his decision in the midst of an international diplomatic and humanitarian crisis. On the side of La République en Marche, everything has been in order of battle for several weeks to praise the merits of their leader, defend his record and convince the voters to support him for five more years at the Palace.

What are the poll results for Emmanuel Macron?

Emmanuel Macron is currently a favorite for his own succession. According to the numerous polls carried out, regardless of the institute, the President of the Republic appears at the top of the voting intentions in the first round, collecting between 20 and 26% of the votes of the electors. Moreover, in the second round, he would be confirmed in his role. However, the match promises to be tighter against Valérie Pécresse than Marine Le Pen. The head of state would be jostled by the president of the Île-de-France region (he is then credited with between 51 and 54% of the votes). Faced with the candidate of the National Rally, Emmanuel Macron is given between 53 and 58% of the vote.

What is Emmanuel Macron’s presidential program?

If he is not yet an official candidate, Emmanuel Macron has already set the course on certain subjects that he aims to cover for a new term.

Emmanuel Macron’s campaign on Twitter, the latest news

Biography of Emmanuel Macron

Born in 1977 in Amiens (Somme), Emmanuel Macron is the son of a couple of doctors. Eldest of the siblings, Emmanuel Macron has a brother and a sister. During his childhood, he spent a lot of time with his maternal grandmother, principal of a college, to whom he owes his political commitment. The young Emmanuel Macron lived a bourgeois and provincial childhood, and received an education with the Jesuits of Providence, in Amiens. After a baccalaureate S, he entered hypokhâgne and khâgne B/L at the Lycée Henri-IV in Paris, then joined Sciences Po Paris in 1998 and obtained, in parallel, a master’s degree and a master’s degree (license today, editor’s note) and a DEA (Master 2). He then entered the ENA in Strasbourg (2002-2004) then was assigned to the Finance Inspectorate after a stint at the French Embassy in Nigeria and the Oise prefecture. For three years, he worked at the General Inspectorate of Finance, then signed with the Rothschild investment bank in 2008, on the recommendation of Jacques Attali. He works on various important files, such as the takeover of Cofidis by Crédit Mutuel, the sale of the newspaper Le Monde, or the takeover of certain Nestlé activities by Pfizer.

Committed to the PS from 2006, he supported Ségolène Royal then François Hollande despite the Socialist Party’s refusal to invest him in Picardy for the legislative elections of 2007. Support for the future President of the Republic, the latter offered him to become Deputy Secretary General from the Elysée Palace in 2012, before appointing him Minister of the Economy in 2014. A position he held for two years, before resigning to run for the presidential election and settle at the Elysée Palace by defeating Marine The pen.
