An outrageous action masterpiece that rocked the James Bond franchise

An outrageous action masterpiece that rocked the James Bond franchise

In the 2000s, action cinema was completely transformed by a series of films: Jason Bourne. Based on the novel of the same name by Robert Ludlum, Doug Liman brought The Bourne Identity to the cinema in 2002. The sequel The Bourne Supremacy, directed by Paul Greengrass, followed two years later.

Greengrass also took the director’s chair on the third and by far the best part: The Bourne Ultimatum. The spy thriller released in 2007 perfects the distinctive style the series that focuses on grounded, realistic action. This is usually captured in shaky, rough and restless shots.

The Jason Bourne films changed action cinema forever and James Bond felt the same way

The Bourne films of the 2000s were an exciting one because of the directorial approach Contrasting with the larger than life action, which Pierce Brosnan’s Bond had set in the genre in the late 1990s. Suddenly every studio in Hollywood wanted their own badass Jason Bourne.

You can watch the trailer for The Bourne Ultimatum here:

The Bourne Ultimatum – Trailer (German)

The Bond series has not been left untouched by this trend either. Already in 2006, Casino Royale relied on a story that without a laser satellite got along. But the Bourne influences are most evident in the sequel Quantum of Solace, which burst onto the big screen in 2008 and shook audiences.

The second Bond, starring Daniel Craig, was often compared to Bourne when it was released in cinemas, which was primarily due to the staging. Similar to Greengrass, director Marc Forster resorted to images that catapult us directly into the action and every movement through one Camera shake to let feel.

Action Masterpiece: When is The Bourne Ultimatum on TV?

The Bourne Ultimatum expires tonight, September 4, 2023, at 8:15 p.m. on NITRO. The broadcast lasts until 10:30 p.m. with commercial breaks. Alternatively, you can currently watch the film on Amazon Prime with a streaming subscription.

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