an operation remotely guided by Russia? – The Express

an operation remotely guided by Russia – The Express

Two weeks after the Hamas attack on October 7, Stars of David appeared in the streets of the capital… Then on May 14, the disastrous anniversary of the “Greenback Roundup”, red hands were discovered on the small morning on the “Wall of the Righteous” outside the Shoah Memorial. A direct reference to the massacre of two Jews in Ramallah in the year 2000.

These inscriptions, of an anti-Semitic nature, could well be the work of individuals linked to Russia, which has increased destabilization operations in France and Europe in recent months. This is, in any case, the option favored today by investigators.

Three Bulgarians, main suspects according to investigators

According to our colleagues at Chained duck and of franceinfo, three Bulgarian nationals were reportedly identified as the authors of the stenciled red hand graffiti. According to the police, the suspects, confused thanks to video surveillance cameras and telephone marking, left Paris to reach Belgium immediately after the events.

READ ALSO: The convenient ignorance of pro-Palestinian demonstrators regarding the symbolism of “red hands”

The chances that this operation was remotely controlled by Russia are therefore not slim… Already at the end of October, the police had identified four individuals of Moldovan nationality as suspects in the investigation into the Stars of David tags. Two couples who allegedly acted under the orders of the same sponsor: the pro-Russian Moldovan businessman Anatolii Prizenko.

Towards an intensification as the Olympics approach?

End of February, The world reveals a confidential note from the French domestic intelligence services (DGSI) which confirms Russia’s involvement in the Stars of David affair. The operation was indeed led by the Russian secret services, and more precisely by “the 5th service [département] of the FSB”, in charge of international operations, according to the evening daily.

Other Moldovan nationals are reportedly in the sights of the Paris police headquarters, accused of being involved in a case of attempted destabilization by a foreign power.

At the end of March, the inscription “Caution, possible fall from the balcony” was stencilled in several streets of the Île de la Cité. A few days earlier, the Real Estate Federation had warned of the risk of balconies collapsing in the event of an overload of spectators on the day of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on the Seine…
