An old Apple employee changed his name to avoid being called like his worst competitor

Sam Sung is a former Apple employee. He recently changed his name to no longer be like his former employer’s biggest competition. His old possessions are surprisingly worth a lot of money.

Sam Sung is a Scot who worked for Apple until 2013. As part of his work for the company, Sung worked at an Apple Store in Glasgow and later at another Apple Store in Canada.

He recently changed his name from Sam Sung to Sam Struan, meaning he no longer bears the name of Apple’s biggest competitor. This is what the French colleagues from report.

Another special feature, however, is that many people are willing to pay a lot of money for their old work equipment. And the former employee donates the money to good causes.

Sam Sung sells t-shirts and business cards for a good cause

What exactly did Sam Sung do with his stuff? Some time ago, Sam Sung, or Sam Struan, sold his former Apple business card with “Sam Sung” printed on it. In this way, he was able to collect more than 2,600 dollars, which he donated to the “Make-a-wish Foundation”.

However, it didn’t stop there. He later sold a frame containing an Apple employee T-shirt, his old ID card and another business card. This time the proceeds went to the Downtown East Women’s Shelter, a Vancouver-based organization.

Sam Struan no longer works for Apple, but he still auctions off old products from his Apple days to raise money for good causes.

Samsung and Apple are always considered tough competitors

The two giant tech companies are always considered major opponents, but both companies have completely different strategies:

  • Apple relies entirely on its in-house ecosystem and on a handful of expensive and high-quality devices such as the iPhone or the Macbook.
  • Above all, Samsung tests many technologies and primarily relies on a wide range of different items: from smartphones to televisions to SSDs, Samsung offers a number of products.
  • Nevertheless, both companies repeatedly play with it in their advertising and tease the competition.

    Samsung is also much more active in the gaming sector compared to Apple. Monitors or fast SSDs appeal to gamers more than Apple does with its products. After all, Apple has now declared that the new iPhone 15 will be the “best games console”.

    A few months ago, Samsung introduced a huge gaming monitor that thrilled gamers and journalists alike. You can read what the device offers and what price you can buy the model for directly on MeinMMO:

    Ingenious monitor from Samsung is causing a stir in the gaming scene
