an official ceremony for the victims killed during the May 3 bombing

an official ceremony for the victims killed during the May

Goma, the large city in the east of the DRC, is burying its dead this Wednesday, May 15 after the bombings of May 3. Rockets from the rebel positions of the M23, supported by Rwanda, killed 35 people according to the final toll of the Congolese authorities. Humanitarian sources reported around fifteen deaths. A tribute was paid to them, the first since the start of the war two years ago. The ceremony started several hours late.

3 mins

With our correspondent in Goma, Coralie Pierret

In DRC, an ambulance ballet parades in front of the morgue of the provincial hospital. The coffins, which were only assessed early in the morning according to several sources close to the government, were placed in trucks to be transported to the ceremony location. Among the victims, there is Espoir’s brother. “ It was around 9 or 10 a.m. on May 3. He worked in his phone charging store. And then, as he was tired, he returned to his hut to rest. The bomb fell on him and we found him there “, he explains.

Under the tents, 35 coffins are exposed. In front of each grave, a cross and names are written in marker. Other humanitarian sources spoke of around fifteen deaths a few days after the tragedy. For the citizen movement, Lucha, “ whatever the outcome “, insists activist Depaul Bakulu. “ I don’t want to debate the numbers. Even if it was just one person, it would already be very serious and it must stop “, he said.

The tribute organized with great fanfare lost its solemnity from the first speeches. Activists took advantage of this ceremony to express their anger and challenge the authorities, deeming them ineffective. No matter, the ministers from Kinshasa continued their speech. Modeste Mutinga, the Minister of Social Affairs promised that the bombing of May 3 would not go unpunished. “ Rwanda, the main author of the bombings of Mugunga and Lushagala, will eventually answer for its actions before the International Court of Justice for having deliberately violated the provisions of international humanitarian law by attacking innocent and defenseless civilian populations. “, he assured.

We have been on constant alert since the bombing »

The families waited for more than six hours, in front of numerous prying cameras. “ Where we live in the camp, the situation is gloomy. We have been on constant alert since the bombing. I am displaced, I come from Saké. I know that those who died that day were thirteen in number. There were also many injured, more than 30 who went to hospital. But we saw with our own eyes thirteen people who died on the spot », Testifies Denise, the aunt of two missing children.

Since February, several shells hit the displaced persons camps around Goma, killing several civilians. The Minister of Human Rights, Fabrice Puela, promised that the victims will now be taken into consideration. “ Yes, you victims, never again will you be alone with the erection of a special cemetery and a memorial for the memories, so that we cannot forget ours “, he announced.

The procession then headed towards the cemetery on the outskirts of the city.
