an MSF employee killed by a FACA member

an MSF employee killed by a FACA member

An employee of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) died last Saturday after being shot three times by a member of Faca, the Central African Armed Forces, in the prefecture of Ouham, north-west of country.

Mahamat Ahamat, a 46-year-old Central African, had worked for MSF since 2010 and was in charge of distributing medicines. He was on leave at his home in the small town of Moyenne-Sido, 500 km north of the capital Bangui, near the Chadian border, when the incident took place.

Gisa Kolher, MSF’s deputy operations manager in the Central African Republic, asks that all the light be shed on the circumstances of the murder of her colleague, which remain unclear.

Apparently, to our knowledge, a member of the Faca army from the Central African Republic came to his house and, the only thing we know, (is that) he shot our colleague three times: a bullet in the leg and two in the belly. And for the circumstances, why it happened, we don’t have any details, says Gisa Kolher, at the microphone of Claire Fages of the Africa editorial staff. The individual is part of the Central African Armed Force. Which position ? I can not tell you. They arrested the gentleman who shot our colleague and, according to our knowledge, he is May

The information fell yesterday Tuesday via a press release from the NGO to AFP. Doctors Without Borders “condemns in the strongest terms “murder and” calls on the authorities to clarify the circumstances that led to the murder of our colleague “. ” MSF is also in contact with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense and other relevant authorities to better understand the circumstances that have led to this unacceptable situation. “, assures MSF again.

Read also : in the Central African Republic, humanitarian workers are concerned about increasingly difficult access to populations
