An island in readiness is preparing for high season

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Facts: NATO

Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is a transatlantic defense alliance founded in 1949.

It currently consists of 30 member countries, of which 14 were part of the former Eastern bloc. The most recent country to join was Northern Macedonia, which became a member in March 2020.

Finland and Sweden would territorially be the most extensive enlargement since Turkey and Greece became members in 1952.

NATO was created for the purpose of preserving peace in the North Atlantic area by deterring armed attacks on Alliance members.

The core of NATO is the so-called Article 5, which states that an attack on a NATO country is an attack on the entire alliance and that all members are obliged to help the country.

A Swedish and a Finnish NATO application has now been submitted. With a Sweden in NATO, there has been speculation about how Gotland may be affected, with the island’s important position in the Baltic Sea. At the same time, Gotland is a popular tourist destination.

According to Robert Pettersson, who researches tourism at Mid Sweden University, the feeling of security and safety plays a big role when travelers choose their destinations.

– Many people travel there regardless of their own holiday homes or relatives, but for others it is probably not as obvious to choose Gotland this summer, says Robert Pettersson.

Patrolling soldiers in Slite earlier in January this year when the Armed Forces strengthened their capabilities on Gotland on land, at sea and in the air. Stock Photography.

Robert Pettersson believes that the way it is communicated in the media about the increased military presence may affect tourism.

On the other hand, an increased military presence and guarantees from NATO countries during the application period can also contribute to an increased sense of security and safety on the island.

– It is probably not about the military presence itself, but it is probably rather the fact that it is not peace or that it does not feel safe that affects, says Robert Pettersson.

Still high pressure

At the same time, Gotland has done relatively well during the pandemic when it comes to tourism, and the hospitality industry on the island tells TT about a high visitor pressure. This year’s pre-season has also been stronger this year compared to last year.

During the summer months of 2021, almost one million journeys were made back and forth from Gotland, according to Destination Gotland, which handles ferry traffic. Ahead of this summer, a similar development is expected, according to Destination Gotland’s CEO Marcus Risberg.

On the other hand, some concern was felt by visitors when Russia invaded Ukraine.

– Then we got some questions about cancellation terms and what happens if the war comes. At present, however, there is nothing that we see much of. Otherwise, we have booked nicely and visitors do not seem to have been discouraged, says Frida Ganshed.

Marcus Risberg agrees.

– Of course there are occasional travelers who call and hear from you, but it is not to any great extent. Our view is that you take the situation calmly.

Follows developments

At the same time, the hospitality industry keeps track of developments.

– We follow what is happening and we are prepared to change quickly, says Frida Ganshed.

– The picture, on the other hand, is that demand has not been affected by the processes that are underway now, Marcus Risberg continues.

Recently, however, the housing market on Gotland has become a little more restrained when sales take longer.

According to Eric Randlert, real estate agent at Mäklarhuset Gotland, it is not due to the war but more to the economic development.

– Buyers are happy to think twice – if you need to have this now and if there are financial opportunities. How is the stock market going and how is the interest rate going? But we do not get questions about this with Russia and the threat, says Eric Randlert.

Will last

According to Robert Pettersson, it may be that in a short-term perspective, some may opt out of Gotland due to the current situation. But in the long run, Gotland’s attractiveness will remain.

– It is and has been a strong destination with unique natural and cultural values. This is what has made Gotland position itself as a travel destination.

Robert Pettersson believes that there are rather other factors that will affect whether tourists travel to Gotland.

TT: Like that the island could constitute a kind of NATO base after a Swedish NATO application is approved?

– No, there we see the example of Iceland, which has been considered an attractive island to travel to, despite NATO’s presence. I think more about the fact that, for example, there are long-term transport solutions and ferries that run.
