an Iranian commits suicide to draw attention to the situation in his country

an Iranian commits suicide to draw attention to the situation

When you watch this video I will be dead “: an Iranian committed suicide, Monday, December 26, by throwing himself into the Rhône in Lyon in order, he says in a posthumous video, to draw attention to the situation in his country, shaken by demonstrations.

This Iranian was found drowned late Monday afternoon, police told AFP, confirming information from the local newspaper Progress. The man, 38 years old according to his video, could not be resuscitated despite the intervention of the firefighters, who brought him back to the bank, we learned from the same source.

Iran has known for three months a wave of protest unprecedented since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. It was born out of demands for women’s rights after the death in mid-September of Mahsa Amini, arrested for improperly wearing the Islamic veil. Protests for women’s freedom gradually morphed into a broader movement directed against the Islamic regime. The authorities, who denounce ” riots “, arrested thousands of people and sentenced to death a dozen of them for their involvement in this protest movement.

Police attack people, we lost a lot of sons and daughters, we have to do something “says the man in a calm voice in this video posted on several social networks before committing the irreparable.

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I decided to commit suicide in the Rhone river, it is a challenge to show that we, Iranian people, we are very tired of this situation he announces. ” When you watch this video I will be dead “, he continues, before calling for support for the Iranian people in their fight against ” extremely violent police and government “.

Calls for a rally, Tuesday, December 27 at the end of the afternoon in the city center of Lyon, to pay tribute to him, have been launched on social networks.

At the beginning of December, the Iranian authorities made a gesture towards the demonstrators, announcing the dissolution of the vice squad. But in the process, the authorities have executed by hanging two young men, sentenced for acts related to the demonstrations.

Read also: Iran: 2022, a year of crises

(With AFP)
