An interesting way to produce water on the moon may have been found

An interesting way to produce water on the moon may

Moon Scientists examining the samples coming from Earth’s surface may have found an interesting way to produce water on the surface.

UK based Open University based research team has been working on a project that could be important for the future for a very long time. prof. Mahesh Anand team led directly produce water on the moon wants. According to the shared news For over 10 years, Mahesh Anand collected and collected data during the original Apollo missions. examines specimens called regolith. Scientists long believed there was no water on the Moon, but Anand’s team discovered that it has a high oxygen content. This situation excited scientists because on this detail, water can be added to the regoliths by adding hydrogen and It is thought that it can be produced by heating to a level that will cause a reaction.

Of course, this is at the theory stage for now. However, Prof. Mahesh Anand and his team really want to test this theory. For this too 2024 NASA’s next project planned for the year Artemis to the Moon with his mission “Exospheric Mass Spectrometercalled ” a special tool will be sent. With this instrument, it will drill through the surface rocks and collect data to conduct analyzes on water production. Generating water directly there for potential lunar life means a huge financial savingsTherefore, the process is given great importance.


You know, the Artemis mission has been fully successful in the past weeks. NASA National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationUS-based $ 24 billion developed Space Launch System or in short SLS after many unfortunate delays to take off with the rocket model 16 November performed without any problems. With this take-off, which did not host any astronauts in front of the SLS (Instead, there are mannequins equipped with sensors.) 20 billion dollars The Orion spacecraft has embarked on a great journey.

In this space, the spacecraft that traveled a total of 2.2 million kilometers and circled the Moon NASA, under the recently ended mission “SLS” thrown with Orion capsule (Equipped with heat shields to withstand temperatures of 2,750 degrees) brought back to Earth without any problems.

Note: In the image taken as part of the recently finished Artemis mission, the Orion capsule and the Moon appear together.
