An “instruction manual in the event of a crisis” soon sent to the French: but what does it contain?

An instruction manual in the event of a crisis soon

The government will send a manual in the coming weeks giving practical advice to deal with a possible “imminent threat”.

The government is preparing a “booklet” of advice, listing the right reflexes and the equipment it is good to have at home in the event of a threat. This is revealed this Tuesday, March 18, Europe 1, which illustrates its article on its website of an image of “survival kit” with drugs, ensuring in its title that this booklet is designed as a “manual of crisis or armed conflict”. We learn, however, that this is a guide of around twenty pages not mentioning the war waged by Russia in Ukraine, but a booklet listed more prosaically the “good gestures to adopt in the event of an imminent threat to France”.

Moreover, in the morning, the government wanted to indicate to AFP that this booklet, coordinated by the General Secretariat of Defense and National Security (SGDSN), which will be finalized in the spring, does not aim “absolutely” to prepare the population for the prospect of a war, as Europe 1 suggested, media radio belonging to the Bolloré media. The media assured that the model of this guide was a booklet published by the Swedish authorities, preparing their inhabitants for the possibility of an armed conflict. What is wrong.

What threats are it? Natural disasters, the emergence of a new epidemic, an industrial, nuclear accident or a military conflict. According to information from Europe 1, the first part of this guide, entitled “Protecting themselves”, is made to “make the French population aware of the concept of solidarity”, with a whole series of advice on the right reflexes to be forged, such as having easily access to the numbers of those around them or consist of a pharmacy kit, stocks of cans, palliating equipment as a flashy.

The second part is devoted to the first gestures in the event of an alert: calling for help, firefighters, the SAMU, close your accommodation according to the crisis situation, listen to the radios giving information on the situation, etc. The last part takes stock of how to get involved. “This is the civic part of the booklet, the objective is to educate everyone, young, executives and even retirees,” a “source close to the file” told Europe 1. These few pages give elements of information to make themselves useful to the life of your country, such as entering the military reserve, in a team of military firefighters or in a structure in the service of its municipality for example. Europe 1 adds that this guide has the provisional title “Manual of instruction in the event of a crisis”, but it could change after validations, expected by the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic.

Note that the government has already created A digital platform with a site dedicated in May 2023with information given in order to “prepare for an emergency situation”. Government services already list elements of the same type, with “gathering places and numbers to know (rescue, family …)”, “reflexes to secure my home (cut water, electricity, gas …)”, but also the advice to constitute an emergency kit with battery radio, medicines, drinking water, cash, charger, hot clothes, etc.
