an inspection mission launched on sexual violence in the army

The French and Russian defense ministers spoke to each other

An inspection mission on sexual violence was launched in France in the army, after a series of testimonies from soldiers recently published in the media, the Minister of the Armed Forces announced this Friday, April 12.

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We have mandated the General Inspectorate of the Armed Forces to carry out a mission on all prevention measures, protection of victims and punishment of attackers. », Wrote Sébastien Lecornu, in a joint column with the Secretary of State for Veterans Patricia Miralles, published in the daily French The world.

This mission, which will submit its report at the end of May, should make it possible to improve the care of the victim, analyze the disciplinary treatment and the consistency of the sanctions against the attackers and strengthen preventive measures, according to the forum.

Furthermore, from now on, “ each time there is a suspicion of rape or sexual assault presenting sufficient plausibility, the person accused will be systematically suspended from duty », Write the ministers. An instruction was sent to this effect by the ministry on March 26 to all commands.

Read alsoSexual violence: in France, 86% of complaints dismissed

16.5% women in the French armies

The taboo persists in the army, soldier and presidential party deputy, Laetitia Saint-Paul, told RFI on Thursday April 11. I believe that the problem is systemic, that does not mean that it is systematic. But when 41 % of victims of sexual assault in the armed forces are discharged, and therefore lose their job, there is no ministerial circular which says: “Yes, that’s very good, you are a victim, we will fire you. » So that means that it’s systemic, that it’s a whole bunch of mechanisms that are set in motion to arrive at this situation. So not systematic, but systemic. And when we see that in the Ministry of the Armed Forces, which has more than 260,000 people without reservists, we only have 50 sanctions, that in the gendarmerie, there are 150,000 people with 2,300 sanctions, I cannot hear that the figures are consistent with reality. »

Also listen#MeToo in the army: for MP Laëtitia Saint-Paul, “the problem is systemic”

Several media have mentioned the story of Manon Dubois, victim at the age of 17 of sexual assault on a French navy ship. Her case was notably raised with the Ministry of the Armed Forces by Laetitia Saint-Paul. The former French navy soldier today denounces the impunity enjoyed by her attacker after having nevertheless admitted to repeated sexual assaults.

Laetitia Saint-Paul, for her part, also wishes to encourage victims to speak out. “ My mailbox has become the #MeToo of the armies, she tells Franceinfo, I received many testimonies, poignant testimonies, which asked me, “please, don’t abandon me”. Victims who have truly suffered the same mechanism as Manon, the shame, the fear of suffering the double or triple punishment, of having been attacked, of seeing their attacker live with virtual impunity, of undergoing a mutation that they do not are not desired because, often, the problem is dismissed and not treated. It’s moving, trying… My colleague told me: “What we’re doing is a public health mission”. »

The inspection mission will also have the mission of “ make it even more efficient » the operation of the Thémis cell created in 2014 to collect testimonies from victims and ensure the application of sanctions. In 2023, 167 reports of sexual or gender-based violence were sent to the army hierarchy and 59 processed directly by the Thémis cell, for a total of 226 cases which were the subject of the opening of a file. According to the ministry, the French armies have 16.5% women in their ranks (34,142 personnel).

Also listenSexual violence: is the word being heard?
