An inhabitant of the world named Hamedine Kane

An inhabitant of the world named Hamedine Kane

Another beautiful inhabitant of the world who pushes the door of En Sol Majeur. One of those inhabitants who has at least three passions: books, images and sound.

An inhabitant of the mood too, who became an artist-director, after having walked on pebbles, in the forests, near a river, then entrusted the keys to his creation to the Movement. Mauritanian and Senegalese, based in Brussels, Hamedine Kane, films what is happening around borders and in lawless areas such as the Jungle of Calais. He films the movement of life, according to this moving world, leaving the Impossible for Hope. This captor of itinerant identities (revenue from the Dakar Biennale) comes to us laden with images whose title is The Blue House, The School Of Mutants & Living The World

Hamedine Kane’s musical choices

Friend Koita Mamaya

Bongas Mona Ki ngi xica
