Trainers want an improvement in Pokémon GO that already existed before. You can find out exactly what it’s all about here.
What is it about? On Reddit, trainers are discussing how the rewards for field research breakthroughs are currently very disappointing. A Field Research Breakthrough is a reward you receive after completing field research every day for 7 days straight. It is part of the tasks that you can complete daily in Pokémon GO.
The reward is some stardust and experience points, a random item from a pool of items and a Pokémon encounter. The main criticism is the Pokémon encounters, which have deteriorated drastically compared to before.
This post is about:
Formerly Groudon, now Coiffwaff
Which item can I receive? The items you can receive can be any of the following items:
Trailer for the current season Timeless Travels.
Pokémon GO shows the new season “Timeless Travels” in the trailer
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Which Pokémon can I get? The pool of Pokémon you can receive rotates regularly. While there used to be legendary Pokémon like Groudon, Kyogre or Entei, today there are Pokémon like Lapras, Coiffwaff or Viscora. The community wants legendary Pokémon to be rewarded here again, like it used to be.
What does the community say about this? I remember getting Shiny Latios and Latias from this. How far have we fallen? is one comment. “Do you remember when we got legendary Pokémon?” writes another trainer. This used to be the best thing about the game, because of the legendary Pokémon can also be found in the comments.
What do you say to that? Do you also think that there should be legendary Pokémon in Field Research Breakthrough again, like before? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments and exchange ideas with other trainers. You can of course also find an overview of the events in January 2024 in Pokémon GO here.