An impressive fire was started by a faulty electric bike battery. Firefighters are warning of this type of incident, which is becoming more and more frequent, and has terrible consequences.

An impressive fire was started by a faulty electric bike

An impressive fire was started by a faulty electric bike battery. Firefighters are warning of this type of incident, which is becoming more and more frequent, and has terrible consequences.

A few days ago, a dramatic fire broke out in a university residence in Berlin. Caused by the defective battery of an electric bike, it forced 62 firefighters to intervene. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the apartment is now uninhabitable.

This incident is unfortunately not isolated. The growing popularity of these bikes has led to an increase in similar fires. Firefighters regularly sound the alarm about the dangers of recharging electric bicycle batteries at home, especially without supervision.

Electric bicycle batteries, just like those in our phones or laptops, contain lithium-ion cells. When defective or misused, these batteries can overheat, cause sparks and start fires. This is precisely what happened in Berlin. Firefighters therefore remind us of some crucial advice to avoid such tragedies.

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First of all, never leave a battery charging unattended. It’s tempting to charge your e-bike overnight to find it ready to use in the morning, but this significantly increases the risks. If a problem arises, no one will be there to respond quickly, which can turn a small spark into a devastating fire.

Then, favor loading outside the home, ideally on a balcony. If this is not possible, choose a well-ventilated room away from flammable materials. Never plug the battery into emergency exits such as stairwells. In the event of overheating, toxic fumes could block the evacuation of occupants.

Check the battery status regularly while it is charging. If it becomes very hot or begins to swell, unplug it immediately! Avoid extreme temperatures: Do not leave your bike or its battery exposed to very high or very low temperatures, this can damage the cells and increase the risk of fire.

Store the battery properly: If you do not use your bicycle for a long time, store the battery in a dry place and at a moderate temperature, and charge it to approximately 50% of its capacity to avoid damage. It is also recommended to use original charging equipment or one certified by the bicycle manufacturer. Cheap or unsuitable chargers may not properly regulate the flow of electricity, increasing the risk of overheating.

In the event of a fire, it is crucial not to attempt to extinguish the flames yourself. Lithium-ion battery fires release toxic gases and can react violently with water. It is therefore imperative to evacuate the area immediately and call emergency services.

Electric bikes offer an environmentally friendly and practical alternative for getting around, but they require careful handling of their battery. By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of fire and enjoy your bike safely.
