an expert opinion clears Clément Dembélé, still in prison

an expert opinion clears Clement Dembele still in prison

In Mali, civil society activist Clément Dembélé has been in prison for more than six months. Arrested at the end of November, he is being prosecuted for “threatening death through an information system” after the broadcast on social networks of a recording in which a voice attributed to him announces his intention to kill the transitional president , Colonel Assimi Goïta, and his family. But this Tuesday, the magazine Young Africa revealed that an independent expert opinion had concluded that it was not the voice of Clément Dembélé. Those close to him denounce a fabricated procedure.

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The voice of the incriminated voice is not that (sic) of the accused “. The conclusion of the independent legal expert dates from March 8 and, despite a grammatical error, it is as clear as it is categorical.

It reinforces Clément Dembélé’s version. THE civil society activist, known throughout the country for his fights against corruption and power cuts, has denied from the start having made the remarks which landed him in prison for more than six months. His lawyers had also, before this expertise, filed a complaint for voice imitation and chose to remain discreet about their approach, probably for the sake of appeasement.

RFI was able to consult the conclusions of the expertise as well as the order for the release of Clement Dembéléunder judicial supervision, signed immediately a month ago – on April 29 -, by the investigating judge Moussa Diarra in charge of the case.

But this request was refused by the prosecutor of the judicial center against cybercrime. Asked by RFI, Adama Coulibaly did not wish to comment.

The expert opinion which clears Clément Dembélé has no value as a judgment and a request for a second opinion was also made by the prosecutor. The case has since been sent to the Court of Appeal.

Those close to Clément Dembélé denounce a “political” procedure fabricated from scratch. To date, no date has been set for his trial.
