an epidemic still high, restrictions soon to be eased

an epidemic still high restrictions soon to be eased

COVID. While more than 315,000 new coronavirus contaminations have been recorded in 24 hours, the number of critical care admissions is slowly decreasing. On February 2, some of the health restrictions were lifted despite still high hospitalization figures.

20:02 – Olivier Véran rejects the idea of ​​charging for care for the unvaccinated

Asked in the Senate about the question of free healthcare for unvaccinated people, Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, rejected the idea. “Obviously, there is no question of considering the slightest second to differentiate the nature of the reimbursement of care for sick people, depending on whether they are vaccinated or not vaccinated,” he said. “We don’t do that with people with cancer depending on whether they smoke or don’t smoke, (…) and we treat road trauma victims depending on whether they wore a seat belt or not”, he added.

19:43 – Slight drop in the number of patients hospitalized with Covid-19

Rising in recent days, the number of patients hospitalized with Covid-19 is decreasing slightly, according to daily figures from Public Health France, this Wednesday. In 24 hours, 3,230 Covid-19 positive people were admitted to hospital, and 366 Covid patients were treated in critical care units. The number of people hospitalized is established at 32,720 (174 less than the day before), including 3,700 in critical care (51 less than the day before).

19:22 – More than 315,000 new contaminations in 24 hours

The latest assessment of Covid-19 in France reports 315,363 new contaminations, Wednesday February 2. The figures communicated by Public Health France therefore show that the number of new cases has dropped since the day before (-101,533), and the average of daily cases over seven days is also decreasing: 306,062 new patients, Wednesday February 2 against 322,154 the day before. Also, the incidence rate has gone down. It is now 3,359 cases per 100,000 inhabitants after falling by 33 points in 24 hours.

19:16 – Normandy sees its incidence rate drop

For the first time since the arrival of the Omicron variant, Normandy has an incidence rate of 3,241.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a drop of -1.1% on average over seven days, according to the latest report. communicated by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Normandy, February 1, 2022.

18:54 – More than 80% of the population has received at least one dose of vaccine against Covid-19

According to the Ministry of Health, as of February 1, 35,708,713 people received a booster dose against the coronavirus and 54,003,768 people (i.e. 80.1% of the total population) received a 1st injection. Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 52,748,008 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 78.2% of the total population).

18:31 – French hospitals record an increase in the number of hospitalizations

According to Public Health France (SpF), the number of people hospitalized and admitted to intensive care due to Covid-19 continues to increase slightly, on February 1. 32,894 patients are currently in hospital with a Covid diagnosis (+520 in 24 hours and +2705 on average over seven days). The critical care services receive 3,751 patients (+ 51 in 24 hours and + 10 on average over seven days).

6:12 p.m. – The epidemic situation in Loire-Atlantique continues to deteriorate

In Loire-Atlantique, the figures from Public Health France (SpF) concerning the coronavirus epidemic are still high. As of January 1, the incidence rate was 4,273 positive cases per 100,000 population, compared to 4,103 on January 25. The positivity rate for anti-Covid tests is established at 41.5%

6:00 p.m. – 3,473 patients positive for Covid-19 in PACA

According to the latest data, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) region had 3,473 patients positive for coronavirus on February 1, or 428 more than the day before. Among them, 452 people were in intensive care on the same date (+46 in 24 hours). The PACA region also deplored 62 deaths from the consequences of Covid on this day.

5:41 p.m. – Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: 4,004 people positive for Covid-19

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is also hit hard by the Covid-19 epidemic: 4,004 Covid patients occupied hospital beds there on February 1, or 521 more than the day before. 438 people positive for Sars-CoV-2 are, in the region, in intensive care (+54 in 24 hours). Finally, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes deplored 62 additional deaths since the day before, on this date.

17:21 – 7,664 Covid patients hospitalized in Île-de-France

In Île-de-France, the coronavirus epidemic continues to weigh on healthcare systems: on February 1, according to the latest data, there were 7,664 hospitalized Covid-19 positive patients, i.e. 528 more and more. 24 hours. In addition, there were 891 Covid patients in intensive care units (+99 in 24 hours). The region also deplored 69 deaths from Covid-19 in 24 hours.

17:00 – Which regions have the best vaccination coverage in France?

Brittany is the region of France with the best vaccination coverage, with 84.2% of its population vaccinated against the coronavirus. Behind it, the Pays de la Loire (82.4% of the vaccinated population), Normandy (82.2%) and New Aquitaine (81.9%).

16:41 – How many French people are vaccinated against Covid-19?

On his site, the Ministry of Health and Solidarity indicates that as of February 1, 35,708,713 people had received a booster dose of anti-Covid vaccine, i.e. 185,546 more than the day before. In addition, 54,003,768 people had received at least one vaccine injection by that date (i.e. 80.1% of the total population), including 17,729 over the last 24 hours. 52,748,008 people had, on February 1, a complete vaccination schedule, i.e. 78.2% of the total population.

16:22 – How many French people get vaccinated every day?

On average over the last seven days, a total of 243,891 injections of anti-Covid vaccine have been carried out each day. Among them are 13,365 first doses, 46,269 second doses and 184,257 booster doses.

16:01 – How many Covid vaccination slots are left?

On his siteDoctolib indicates that 527,954 slots are still available for anti-Covid vaccination within three days, 1,225,915 within seven days and 2,515,240 within 14 days.

15:46 – Omicron responsible for 98.9% of positive cases in France

To date, it is suspected that Omicron represents up to 98.9% of positive cases in France. This figure, in detail, corresponds to the proportion of screened tests not having the L452R mutation – which, not present on Omicron, is of course present on Delta.


Here is the latest assessment of the coronavirus in France according to data updated daily by Public Health France and available on Data.gouv. Figures as of February 2, 2022:

The figures from Public Health France are to be qualified. A distinction must be made between patients hospitalized for Covid-19 and with Covid-19 (the figures currently given). The same goes for deaths: if, for example, Public Health France (SPF) reports 5,000 deaths of people positive for the coronavirus in France between December 1, 2021 and January 9, 2022, including 383 attributed to the Omicron variant, these figures are at observe with caution, indicates Release. Indeed, over the period from January 10 to 16 alone, 26% of patients positive for Covid-19 had been admitted for a pathology other than Sars-CoV-2. 13% of Covid-19 positive people admitted to critical care and 8% of positive people admitted to intensive care are in the same situation.

According to last epidemiological point of Public Health France (SPF), published Thursday, January 27, “the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 continues to progress at a very high level. The hospital tension, already high, is on the rise, but the pressure on the care services criticism decreases.” in week 03 (17-23 January). The incidence rate was over 3,000 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Follow the evolution of the coronavirus in your municipality thanks to the map below. Click on a department to display the list of municipalities. Also find all the details on this mapping and the complete point by city and by department in our article on the Covid map in France.

Since mid-October 2020, Public Health France has been communicating incidence data (number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants) at municipal level. The figures are at this stage communicated according to a scale (10, 20, 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). The data is expressed over a rolling week, which means that it is calculated on a D-day from tests carried out between 3 and 9 days previously. To access information relating to the coronavirus in your municipality, enter its name in the search engine or click on its department in the map below.

As a reminder, the incidence rate corresponds to the number of new cases of Covid-19 over a period of one week, compared to the total population of a territory (country, region, department or municipality). This indicator is generally expressed as the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The screening rate gives the number of people having carried out a screening test for the coronavirus out of the total number of inhabitants, during the period. It is also most often expressed per 100,000 inhabitants. Finally, the test positivity rate gives the percentage of positive tests for the coronavirus, compared to the total number of tests carried out over the period.
