An embarrassing “obsession” of Emmanuel Macron on James Bond mentioned in a media, the Elysée denies

An embarrassing obsession of Emmanuel Macron on James Bond mentioned

Would President Emmanuel Macron make a fixette on James Bond? In any case, this is what the Blast Information Site asserts.

Would Emmanuel Macron dream in James Bond? According to an indiscretion of the media Blast Published this Monday, March 10, the 47 -year -old president would see himself behind the wheel of an Aston Martin, the emblematic car of the famous British spy. Information that has not failed to make react on social networks. It must be said that the head of state would have views on the DB9 GT model sold for 200,000 euros new, even 220,000 euros if we opt for the famous James Bond Edition. Not necessarily a model within reach of all the prisoners.

Anyway, it wouldn’t be, we say on the side of the Élysée. Contacted by The Parisian This Monday afternoon, the presidential palace even “vigorously” denied. The Élysée says that this is “false information”. However, in his article, Blast assured earlier in the day thanEmmanuel Macron “would have already contacted a specialized dealer”. The head of state would like a “in perfect condition” model, according to the information site.

Blast specifies that some relatives of the president would struggle to “hide their embarrassment in the face of a presidential obsession”. Better still, the President of the Republic would have already offered himself “a small test” of the racing car in the private gardens of the presidential residence La Lantern, located in Versailles. Enough to further arouse the ire of the detractors of the Head of State on social networks.
