An eleven defined for Anoeta

An eleven defined for Anoeta

Osasuna visits the Reale Arena this afternoon. A stadium that the rojillos are not good at and where they have not won since 2005, although it is true that they have drawn in the last two visits.

Jagoba Arrasate has the entire squad, except for the injured Areso, to deal with this shock. As the rojillo coach would say, ‘blessed problem’, since that allows him to line up the eleven he wants and also have alternatives on the bench.

And speaking of eleven, Berriatua’s seems to have found his ideal eleven and for the third consecutive day he would opt for it.

With a 4-1-4-1 system, the eleven will be made up of Sergio Herrera in goal, with defense for Nacho Vidal, David García, Juan Cruz and Manu Sánchez. Torró will act as a pivot with Brasanac and Moncayola ahead. On the flanks Chimy Ávila and Rubén García and Budimir in attack.
