an ECOWAS delegation arrived in Niamey

a new ECOWAS summit as dialogue with the putschists stalls

The day after the meeting in Accra of the chiefs of staff of the member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a delegation from the sub-regional institution arrived on Saturday 19 August, in Niamey. At the same time, the intelligence services of ECOWAS member countries are strengthening their cooperation in the event of a possible intervention against the Nigerien junta.

1 min

With our correspondent in the region, Serge Daniel

The ECOWAS delegation that arrived in Niamey is led by the former President of Nigeria, General Abdulsalami Abubakar, and notably includes the President of the ECOWAS Commission. It was this same delegation that made the first trip to Niamey after the coup. She had been badly received and did not leave the airport. This time, she is welcomed.

According to our information, the Togolese President, Faure Gnassingbé, played a discreet role so that Niamey, this time, opened its doors widely to envoys from the Economic Community of West African States. The program includes two highlights.

Meeting with the junta and Mohamed Bazoum

First of all a meeting with the junta and a message: request for a return to constitutional order. But the delegation will listen carefully to the putschists in Niamey. Second highlight, the delegation should meet President Mohamed Bazoum. See his physical condition and remember that ECOWAS only recognizes him as president.

It is therefore a visit to Niamey to peacefully seek a way out of the crisis. But at the same time, the preparations for a possible intervention are continuing and it is the heads of the intelligence services of the sub-region who consult and exchange to give the maximum amount of information to the troops.

Read alsoNiger: a UN mission met the junta in Niamey
