An ecological cryptocurrency: the Cardano Foundation has planted 1 million trees

An ecological cryptocurrency the Cardano Foundation has planted 1 million

Cardano is determined to lie the adage that cryptocurrency rhymes with overconsumption of energy. The Cardano Forest initiative goes in this direction with the planting of a tree for each donation of an ADA token. In a few months, the bar of one million trees planted was crossed.

When one brings up the subject of cryptocurrencies to a neophyte, one of the first criticisms leveled concerns the ecological cost of mining currencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. In reality, a large number of solutions are provided to this problem and mining tends to become greener and greener. There are also coin initiatives with an openly ecological vocation. This is particularly the case with Cardano.

In tribute to Ada Lovelace, IT pioneer

the token Cardano was founded in 2015, under the leadership of Charles Hoskinson, a co-founder of Ethereum. The name Cardano was inspired by that of a great Renaissance mathematician, Gerolamo Cardano, and that of money, ADA, by the first name of a computer pioneer, Ada Lovelace.

From the start, Cardano took a more energy-efficient approach toenergy by basing the validation of ADA transactions on a system of ” proof of stake »- only a small number of actors having the confidence of the community manage this validation operation. Cardano’s ADA managed to win to the point of regularly appearing in the Top 5 of the reference site – he is currently n ° 7.

A tree planted in exchange for each ADA donated

And then an initiative marked the spirits: the Cardano Foundation announced a partnership with Veritree, an association that combines technology and environmental protection. The idea: every time someone agrees to donate 15 ADA, they receive the equivalent in a token called TREE, but most importantly, a tree is planted for each ADA so given to the project.

The initiative attracted many donors – one donated 100,000 ADA to the project, another 87,500 ADA. The million trees have just been reached and the news should help improve the image of the cryptocurrency. Especially since the Cardano Foundation has announced its intention to support other similar projects.

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