An eagle attacked a toddler in Norway | News in brief

An eagle attacked a toddler in Norway News in

The girl received scratches on her head in the attack, which were stitched up. In addition, he received cuts on his face.

A bald eagle attacked a 20-month-old toddler in Norway on Sunday. The child was playing on the family’s farm in Trondelag, central Norway, when the eagle pounced on him.

– The eagle came out of nowhere and grabbed our youngest daughter, the child’s father told the public broadcasting company NRK’s in the interview.

A nearby mother rushed to the scene and grabbed Kotka to get it off her daughter.

– His [äidin] had to fight to get the bird of prey from her child’s bouquet. The neighbor also came to help mother and our little girl, says the father.

The mother and the neighbor managed to get the Eagle off the child, but the bird still continued to attack. The neighbor finally hit the bird with a stick.

Shortly after the incident, a game warden came to the scene and killed the eagle. According to the game warden, the bird of prey took the toddler as its prey.

The girl received scratches on her head in the attack, which were stitched up. In addition, he received cuts on his face.

The child’s father told NRK that the girl is doing well considering the circumstances.

– The situation was very traumatic for the mother and older siblings who were there when the attack happened, he says.

Source: AFP
