an attack in a bar in Bamenda leaves 2 dead and around 40 injured

an attack in a bar in Bamenda leaves 2 dead

In Cameroon, an attack left around 2 dead and 39 injured in Bamenda, capital of the English-speaking North-West region. Two bombs went off on Saturday evening in a popular bar. The attack has not yet been claimed.

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It was around 8 p.m. and many customers were seated when two devices exploded in a bar located opposite a maternity ward and barely 100 meters from a gendarmerie base.

Among the injured, one man was able to escape. It testifies. “ We were having a drink. Suddenly we heard an explosion. A big boom! At that point, it was chaos. It exploded behind me so I don’t know what happened. It was only afterwards that I realized there had been a bomb “, he says.

And to add: “ I then realized that I was bleeding from my leg, hip and stomach. I went to the hospital. They picked me up during the night and I went home. I came back this morning to do a check-up. But I have ear problems from the explosion “.

The Bamenda regional hospital treated the victims. “ As soon as he was informed, the hospital director gave instructions for the injured to be taken care of. We used our group WhatsApp work to mobilize doctors and nurses. Otherwise, the situation would have been more serious », says Dr Samuel Anye, neurologist.

English-speaking separatist groups are suspected. They banned the sale of beers produced by Boissons du Cameroon, a company seen as a French-speaking symbol and an economic resource of central power. However, this bar continued to sell these beers. He had already been targeted by an attempted attack in the past. The security forces managed to detonate an explosive device left on site without causing any casualties.

Eleven injured people were still hospitalized on Sunday. Capo Daniel, the former independence leader in exile, who now calls for laying down arms and demanding negotiations with the government, condemned this attack.
