In Call of Duty: Warzone, many players are always looking for the best meta loadouts for their style of play. A CoD expert recommends the SVA 545 – but most people are currently ignoring it.
What kind of weapon is that? The SVA 545 is one of the first weapons you can unlock in CoD: MW3, while others will only be added over the course of the seasons. All you have to do is increase your player level to be able to equip them. The assault rifle has recoil that can be controlled.
According to, the SVA 545 pick rate in Warzone is just 0.84%. Over there are assault rifles like the BP50, but especially LMGs.
The CoD expert “Swagg” says in his YouTube video from April 29th that the SVA 545 is actually the new “best assault rifle” for Warzone and Rebirth Island. The CoD specialists at warzoneloadouts also recommend the SVA 545, which means it can also be found in our list of the best assault rifles.
If you missed the trailer for the new season in CoD: MW3, you can see it here:
CoD MW3: Season 3 Multiplayer Trailer
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SVA 545 meta loadout for Warzone
What makes the SVA 545 so good? The assault rifle generally has a recoil that the player can easily control. It also fires its first two shots at the same time, making the SVA 545 a fairly deadly weapon.
With the loadout that “Swagg” shows in his video, the SVA 545 has “literally no recoil” and is “broken.” The SVA 545 receives an additional boost in recoil control, but also in precision. The barrel improves range and damage, while the sight reduces optical recoil. The loadout is particularly suitable for longer distances.
You need these attachments in Warzone:
Essays in English
If you are more of a sniper in Warzone and Rebirth Island, the MORS is currently recommended. The weapon came into play in Season 3 and has dominated the meta lists of builds for the Battle Royale mode ever since.
So that you know which attachments you should work towards, we have picked out strong setups for the MORS for Warzone for you: CoD Warzone: Meta loadout for the MORS – setup with attachments