An American Marine Corps colonel admires the Finnish Defense Forces’ quick reaction ability

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The big joint exercise between the USA and Finland did not even exist on paper in the early summer. The Finnish reservist is excited about the exercise: “We are on an experience trip”.

Reserve First Lieutenant I’ll take it the phone rang on a family vacation in Rhodes. There would be a quick assignment for a refresher exercise, and not with anyone but the US Marines.

On Wednesday, Otto, who appears only by his first name because of his mission, was involved in the US-Finnish attack on the terrain of Upinniemi against other US-Finnish troops. A week of training is soon over, and the man under the green camouflage is more than satisfied with what he experienced.

– I have to say that we are on an experience trip, he summarizes.

According to Oto’s assessment, the Finns would already be able to go into battle together with the marines.

– It has been noticed that we are exactly the same group, he says.

In addition to professional matters, togetherness has been honed by talking about families as well as pets and offering guests new experiences.

– Many lost their sauna virginity, Otto laughs.

“We didn’t know anyone until a month ago”

The war exercise between the Navy and the US Marines, which ends this week, is by no means small: 2,300 Americans alone are involved. Three large ships, including the large amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, were far out at sea on Wednesday, but there were combat helicopters and fighter jets flying in the sky. In addition to the Coastal Brigade, the Uusimaa Brigade has been involved from Finland.

Colonel Paul Merida The Marines under their command have been away from their home country since mid-March on their current assignment. During that time, exercises have been carried out both in the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea.

Merida emphasizes that all previous exercises had been planned 6-9 months in advance. This eighth training exercise in Finland took only 3-4 weeks to prepare – and it is the largest of all exercises so far.

– You can’t make a video of it, but that is perhaps the most remarkable gift for me from this exercise: how quickly Finnish and American designers work, says Merida.

– We didn’t even know anyone from the Finnish armed forces just over a month ago, he laughs.

“The best exercise of my 33-year military career”

According to Merida, the marines had been ordered “to this corner of the world” in the Baltic Sea without any more detailed instructions.

– To be honest, we didn’t have anything planned.

According to him, the Americans decided to contact Finland. Merida said that he understood that if the armed forces of any country were to be attacked with a few weeks’ notice, they already have their own exercises planned and underway.

Coastal Brigade Commander, Commodore Marko Laaksonen admits that planning the joint exercise in a few weeks and in the middle of the summer holiday season was “a huge effort”. But all’s well that ends well.

– In my opinion, this has been the best exercise of my 33-year military career. It has been tiring, but it has given the most, Laaksonen says.

Compliments are received by the regular staff, conscripts and more than a hundred reservists invited to the exercise.

– I am especially thankful that we have such reservists who are able to come and detach themselves really quickly when the motherland calls. Of course, thanks also go to the reservists’ families and employers, says Laaksonen.
