an ambitious fresco with Pierre Niney, our critic

an ambitious fresco with Pierre Niney our critic

This new adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas classic by directors Alexandre de La Patellière and Matthieu Delaporte was released in cinemas this Friday, June 28.

Have producers found the recipe for the French blockbuster in adaptations ofAlexandre Dumas ? After The three Musketeers, another literary masterpiece by the writer is adapted for the big screen. This Friday, June 28, comes out the count of Monte Cristo39e (!) adaptation of the novel featuring the revenge of Edmond Dantès. In detail, the book and the film tell the story of this naive young sailor who finds life smiling on him when he is promoted to captain and goes to marry the woman of his life. But his happiness arouses the desires of other men who then hatch a plot against him and have him locked up in the If prison for a crime he did not commit. After 12 years, he escapes and, under the name of the Count of Monte Cristo, he carefully prepares his revenge.

The dramatic potential of Count of Monte Cristo is no longer to be proven, and the directors Alexandre de La Patellière and Matthieu Delaporte (First name) have understood it well. If the scenario is very well-known and the novel has been adapted a lot of times, we do not hide our pleasure in front of this cinematographic fresco.

Because the new adaptation does not skimp on the means, and offers a new ambitious adaptation that meets the challenges of the novel, although too long in its first part. The staging is grandiloquent although sometimes too academic. Served by sets, photographs, lighting and sumptuous costumes, the spectator is totally immersed in the revenge of Edmond Dantès.

But the real strength of this adaptation of Count of Monte Cristo lies in the plurality of its casting. The main actors, Pierre Niney in the lead who is transfigured by the role of Edmond Dantès as if it had been written for him, and Anamaria Vartolomei who bursts the screen in each of her appearances in the guise of Haydée, while the rest of the cast (Bastien Bouillon, Laurent Laffite, Patrick Mille, Vassili Schneider…) brings a real richness of interpretation to this cast. A film to discover in theaters perhaps for La Fête du Cinéma, which runs from June 30 to July 3.

For what the count of Monte Cristo comes out on a Friday?

While films are usually released on the big screen on Children’s Day, a small change has been made this week. This Friday, June 28, the adventures of Edmond Dantès will be shown in theaters. The reason? The Fête du cinéma, which begins shortly after.

As the press officers of the Count of Monte Cristo, the adaptation of Dumas’ work takes advantage of the event to attract the public to the theaters for its first day of celebration. From June 30 to July 3, 2024, the price of a cinema ticket is set at 5 euros in all cinemas in France. A godsend if you want to discover the new role of Pierre Niney in the cinema.

Synopsis – Victim of a conspiracy, young Edmond Dantès is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After fourteen years of detention in the Château d’If, he manages to escape. Having become immensely rich, he returns under the identity of the Count of Monte Cristo to take revenge on the three men who betrayed him.

The casting of Count of Monte Cristo

In the casting of Count of Monte Cristo version 2024, it is the actor Pierre Niney who was chosen to embody the main character, opposite other figures of French cinema: Bastien Bouillon (The night of the 12th), Anaïs Demoustier (The loves of Anaïs), Anamaria Vartolomei (The event), but also Laurent LafitteThe first trailer revealed by Pathé promises an epic film for French viewers.
