an “ambitious” but “difficult” program

an ambitious but difficult program

They want to make the Bamako-Conakry-Ouagadougou axis ” a strategic and priority area “. The Foreign Ministers of Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso met on Thursday February 9 in Ouagadougou for an unprecedented “ tripartite meeting “. Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso are suspended from the bodies of the African Union and ECOWAS. If they display their commitment to the principles and objectives » continental and regional organizations, these three countries have a common agenda of their own. And which seems as ambitious as it is complicated to implement.

Abdoulaye Diop, Morissanda Kouyaté and Olivia Rouamba, the Foreign Ministers of Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso, announce a long list of joint projects: on the supply of hydrocarbons and electricity, on the development of trade and transport from the port of Conakry, on the common organization of mining, on the construction of a railway line linking their three capitals, or even on the construction of new roads.

The list, which is not exhaustive, is necessarily enticing. Baba Dakono is executive secretary of the Citizen Observatory on Governance and Security in Bamako (OCGS):

It is true that it is an extremely ambitious program, which is curiously reminiscent of the priority investment program that was put in place by the G5 Sahel. It is not really a new fact to realize that investments in terms of infrastructure and trade routes were also a way of responding to the security crisis. In the current context, the endogenous financing of these various actions will be difficult. Moreover, these States expect technical and financial support for the execution of this ambitious program. »

Because they are still in transition after military coups that broke the constitutional order, Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso are currently suspended from the bodies of the African Union and the Economic Community of the States of West Africa (ECOWAS). The three countries announce common initiatives to obtain the lifting of these suspensions, without specifying which ones. Will it be a political advocacy group with these institutions? Legal action, as Mali had already done when it was still hit by economic sanctions?

Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso finally intend to put in place a permanent consultation framework “. No details on the deadline or the form of this new format, but the three countries resolutely show their desire to unite.
