An absolutely perfect science fiction film that was rejected by the studio over 40 (!) times and is now considered a masterpiece

An absolutely perfect science fiction film that was rejected by

You’re always smarter afterwards. This applies not only to everyday mistakes, but also to the decision about the success or failure of later cinema hits. A famous example is Back to the Future. According to author Bob Gale, the script became a sci-fi milestone rejected over 40 times by various studios. Possibly because of too little sex. Or too much incest.

Today there is an absolute sci-fi masterpiece on TV that no one believed would be successful in 1985

Back to the Future is about young Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), who travels back from the 80s to the 50s in his friend Doc Brown’s (Christopher Lloyd) time travel car messed up getting to know his own parents. To avoid erasing himself from history, he has to bring the two together.


Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future

Since the film’s release in 1985, books upon books have been written about the ingenious mixture of sci-fi and comedy that made Back to the Future a hit. But as Bob Gale told Box Office Mojo in 2003, director Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump) and he were rejected by studios over the idea more than 40 times, for a variety of reasons.

Screen Rant suspects that the script wasn’t kinky enough for many studios in the decade of comedies like Porky’s and I Think a Horse Will Kick Me. However, Disney representatives were bothered by the exact opposite: they obviously didn’t like the fact that Marty’s mother Lorraine (Lea Thompson) fell in love with her own son. We’re Disney and you’re suggesting we make a movie about incest?“, was the shocked reaction, according to Gale.

Thanks to the help of director legend Steven Spielberg, Universal finally agreed to produce it. But even there a producer wanted to make the film in “Space Man from Pluto” (!) rename. Fortunately, he rejected the idea.

When is Back to the Future on TV?

Back to the future is coming today, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 8:15 p.m. on Nitro. In addition to Fox, Lloyd and Thompson, Crispin Glover (Dead Man) can also be seen in front of the camera.

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