An absolute masterpiece that turned into a really disappointing Netflix series

An absolute masterpiece that turned into a really disappointing Netflix

Jack Nicholson has starred in many memorable films throughout his career, rightly so masterpieces in film history from the film noir Chinatown to the gangster-cop thriller Departed. Not to be forgotten One flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

The film adaptation of Ken Kesey’s novel of the same name, directed by Miloš Forman, was released in 1975 and has regularly appeared in various best lists ever since. The tragic comedy is set in a closed mental institution. Nicholson plays Randle McMurphy, who is newly admitted.

  • Today on TV: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest airs tonight at 8:15 p.m. non-commercially on Arte. Alternatively, you can stream the film on Amazon Prime Video *.
  • One flew over the cuckoo’s nest and Netflix’s unexpected prequel series

    Actually, McMurphy would have expected a prison sentence. In court, however, he pleaded that he was of unsound mind. Now he finds himself in a place that presents him with new challenges, especially in terms of the strict ward nurse

    Mildred Ratched (Louise Fletcher), who runs a merciless regime.

    The trailer for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest:

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Trailer (German) HD

    With her inhumane methods, Ratched causes fear and terror among the patients. But which ones? gloomy past does the pugnacious figure have to hide himself? That’s the question Ryan Murphy asked himself, and to answer it created a Netflix series that tells the villain’s origin story.

    The 1st season of Ratched started in 2020 on the streaming service and takes you to the California 1940s. Sarah Paulson, known from American Horror Story and Carol, slips into the role of the evil nurse who makes shady use of her craft from a young age.

    You can watch the trailer for Ratched here:

    Ratched – S01 Trailer (German) HD

    Although there was some curiosity about what Murphy came up with for the prequel with the surprise announcement of the prequel, the result turned out to be arbitrary expansion of the original, which provides the best argument that not every story needs to be expanded just because it is possible.

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    If you are looking for fresh streaming tips from Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Co., then we have a whole range of recommendations for you here.

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