Amyotrophy: muscle, symptoms, what cause

Amyotrophy muscle symptoms what cause

This medical term designates muscular atrophy, that is to say the reduction in the volume of the muscles. How does this phenomenon occur? What are the daily consequences? What possible treatments?

What is the definition of amyotrophy?

Amyotrophy means a decrease in muscle size, in particular of those which it is possible for us to control like the legs, the arms…. “It is due to a reduction in the number of muscle fibers that make up the muscle or to a reduction in the volume of these fibersexplains Dr. Christophe Delong. Gradually, it “melts”, which impacts strength and physical performance.“. It can be localized, that is to say, touch onlya single muscle, or be generalized, thus affecting a set of muscles or even all the muscles of the body. She can also be acute or chronic, i.e. grow quickly or more slowly.

What are the causes of amyotrophy?

They are many and varied. Muscular atrophy can occur:
► During a prolonged immobilization (bed rest, cast, etc.) or a significant reduction in physical activity
► One hereditary illness : Duchenne muscular dystrophy, facio-scapulo-humeral myopathy…
► One nervous system damage : spinal muscular atrophy which is Charcot disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, acute poliomyelitis…

What symptoms to recognize amyotrophy?

The muscle(s) losing strength, and depending on the muscles involved, the person with muscular atrophy may have difficulty moving (walking, running, going up or down stairs), to hold heavy objects in his hands, to shake… The face may be frozen and the droopy eyelids. The sick person may have difficulty swallowing, experience respiratory or intestinal problems. Finally, the heart may give signs of weakness.

Is amyotrophy serious?

If amyotrophy progresses, it can become serious by spreading to other muscles of the body, or even to the whole body, and especially the heart muscle. “This is called generalized amyotrophy. In extreme cases, it can become irreversible“, says Dr. Delong.

Different examinations can be carried out:

  • Physical tests: clinical examination is already a good indicator.
  • A electromyography : this examination consists of measuring the electrical activity of the nerves and muscles, using electrodes placed on the skin.
  • A muscle biopsy : this sample will make it possible to observe the structure of the muscles, in particular the number of its fibres.

Treatment will depend on the cause. If amyotrophy is due to physical immobilizationthe gentle and gradual resumption of suitable physical activity, sometimes under the aegis of a physiotherapist, will restore strength. “In the case of a hereditary disease, medical treatment will be instituted by the referring physician, particularly in the case of inflammatory myopathies“, says Dr. Delong.

Can you play sports with amyotrophy?

Yes, physical activity is possible.Depending on the extent of the damage and the origin of the disease, these activities may be practiced alone or under the guidance of a physiotherapist, and always after doctor’s approval. Sometimes training is no longer possible“, laments our expert.

Thanks to Dr. Christophe Delong, rheumatologist and specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
