Amy Hennig’s new Marvel game announced

Amy Hennigs new Marvel game announced

The first video for the new Marvel game of Amy Hennig, one of the most important names in the Uncharted series, was released in the past minutes.

We can say that Amy Hennig is one of the most important producers of the game world. Amy Hennig, who has been involved in productions such as the Legacy of Kain series, the Jak and Dexter series and the Uncharted series, recently left Naught Dog and joined Skydance Media in 2019. Shortly after, it was announced that he was appointed to head a new team to work on a Marvel game. This game, which has been developed for a long time, appeared with its first video in the past few minutes.

New Marvel game announced with its first video

The announcement of this game was actually announced last month and the Disney Marvel Showcase presentation was pointed out. Although the name of the game was not shared in this presentation, which ended in the past few minutes, important information was given along with the first video. The expressions King, Captain, Soldier and Spy were used for the characters in the game that will take place during the World War II period. King can already be called Black panther. Captain, as the name suggests, is Captain America.

The other two characters are estimated to be Nanali, the queen of Wakanda at that time, and Gabriel Jones from the Howling Commandos team. The slogan of the game is “Four Heroes, Two Worlds”. As the two worlds here, we can say that Paris, which we see in the trailer, and Wakanda, which appears on the poster, are pointed out. You can take a look at the first video of the game, whose name and release date is not yet known, below.
