Among incarcerated minors in Marseille, the school in dotted

Among incarcerated minors in Marseille the school in dotted

The law proposed by Gabriel Attal on the justice of minors must be voted in the Senate on March 25. It offers an exemption from the minority excuse for young multi -wrinkle delinquents, the possibility of immediate appearance and the solidarity civil liability of parents for the damage caused by their children. This law could increase the number of minors in detention. Visit of a minor establishment in Marseille, a city particularly affected by drug trafficking.

Of our correspondent in Marseille,

In the prison for minors in Marseille, the doors open, exceptionally, to let the Bouches-du-Rhône deputy, Hendrik Davi. He asserts his right of visit.

“” We will see what are the conditions of detention of young people. We will see the activities they may have for any detainee. We will see if the conditions of detention are correct. »»

Since the rows of cells that overlook the courtyard, 50 teenagers from 13 to 17 years old try to attract the attention of the deputy. Idrisse was once one of those incarcerated young people. Today he is 29 years old and explains the gear.

“” All my youth, all my adolescence, I spent them in closed educational centers and prison. Busserine is one of the neighborhoods where there is the most traffic. And when you raise your head and look around, everyone is bathed in traffic to support their consumption, to their dress style, to all this. And then little by little, I got into the stup to watch, for sale and set up grades, until flying and robbing … »»

Depending on him had positive effects.

“” Yes, it was good because there are always psychologists where it also allows you to ask yourself, to make a rereading a little on your life. Among minors, it was useful in the sense that they offered a lot of education. And today I graduated, educator instructor, I am doing a VAE to be a specialized educator. »»

Read tooMinors deprived of freedom in France: a worrying situation

“” The concept of learning and the concept of education, it is fundamental »»

But that day at EPM, management admits it, there is no school because of the lack of staff. The situation is not uncommon, it is due to many sick leave and recruitment difficulties. Child Judge Laurence Bellon followed minors for thirty years.

“” When you are with a minor, the notion of learning, the concept of education, it is fundamental. The idea that by hitting the child will understand. This is not true. There you have those who are in great difficulty and those who are not in great difficulty, they become by being placed with kids who are very difficult. We began to wish more and more that minors are treated, I do not say as adults, but a bit like adults. »»

Credits that promote confinement, however much more expensive than household spaces. Several unions call to demonstrate against the Attal law and for an increase in means in educational.

Read tooFrance: Is justice sufficiently protect minors?

Read tooChildren from immigration overrepresented in prison
