Amineh Kakabaveh opens to trap Morgan Johansson

Amineh Kakabaveh opens to trap Morgan Johansson

The political savage Amineh Kakabaveh opens to overthrow the government by voting for the no-confidence motion against Morgan Johansson.

She is now waiting for a message from the Social Democrats and is presenting a demand for her support:

– Sweden should not give in to Erdogan.

The no-confidence vote against Justice Minister Morgan Johansson will be held on Tuesday. The Sweden Democrats, Moderates, Christian Democrats and Liberals have announced that they are voting for. Together, they collect 174 seats – but it takes 175 if they are to succeed in overcoming the mistrust.

Former V member Amineh Kakabaveh, now politically savage, has not yet decided how she will vote.

If she joins the right-wing bloc, she can decide the issue.

Do you keep it open to vote for distrust?

– Yes.

Has a contact person in S

Kakabaveh says she is waiting for information from the Social Democrats about a meeting to be held shortly. According to her, her contact person in the party is Member of Parliament Kenneth G Forslund (S).

– I have had contact with the Social Democrats every week since Magdalena Andersson became Prime Minister, says Kakabaveh.

Crucial for Kakabaveh is that Sweden does not give in to Turkey. She raises the arms embargo, which Sweden, according to the government, does not have. She also mentions the stigmatization of Kurdish organizations such as the PKK – something she is opposed to.

– They will be removed from the terror list. As long as they are involved, the Kurdish issue will be treated in this way.

Kakabaveh, on the other hand, is not opposed to Sweden meeting representatives of Turkey in the ongoing NATO process, as long as it does not include agreeing to Erdogan’s demands.

The distrust of Morgan Johansson was raised by the Sweden Democrats yesterday. Shortly afterwards, the Moderates, Christian Democrats and Liberals announced that they were behind it. If all their members of parliament vote in favor, they will collect a total of 174 seats.

“I do not mind Morgan”

Magdalena Andersson announced last night that it will be a cabinet issue. If the Minister of Justice is deposed, the entire government resigns.

– It is completely irresponsible. It’s incredible. We are not in a position for political play. This is really dangerous, she said at a press conference and referred to the fact that Sweden is in the middle of the NATO process at the same time as the war is going on in Europe.

Kakabaveh does not think it is irresponsible if she decides to vote for the no-confidence motion.

– It is not me who has created this, it is the right-wing parties, I have just ended up in the firing line.

But if you join the right-wing bloc, will you have the decisive vote?

– It is the government’s responsibility to seek a solution, it is not my responsibility. I hate this situation. I’m not against Morgan. There is a lot that is wrong, but in that case there are many who will resign at many different levels.

Aftonbladet has unsuccessfully sought Kenneth G Forslund for a comment. His press secretary says he is not available and refers to an interview with TT.

– We will try to reach a common view and picture of what has been done and what is possible to do and of course what the consequences will be if you vote against Morgan and the government resigns. I think that may not be something that Amineh Kakabaveh is really attracted to, says Forslund to the news agency.
