Amineh Kakabaveh KU announcer Ann Linde

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Kakabaveh wants KU to examine whether the government has violated its powers and acted in violation of the constitution.

According to Kakabaveh, the declaration of intent means that Sweden has promised to export weapons to Turkey, which means that the government has anticipated a decision by an independent authority, ISP, which examines arms export issues.

She also wants KU to examine what the government has promised in the matter of individual extradition cases.

“It is extremely serious if individual extradition cases had been used as payment by the Swedish government to persuade Turkey to release Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO application. This is completely contrary to Chapter 11, Section 3 of the form of government on the independence of the judiciary “, Kakabaveh writes in his report.

In the clip below, Kakabaveh is interviewed about Märta Stenevi, who criticized the government after the agreement with Turkey.
