Amineh Kakabaveh after the S-meeting: “Have not decided me yet”

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Over the weekend, the political savage and former left-wing party member has swung back and forth on the issue of distrust of Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Morgan Johansson (S). She has both said that she considered not appearing in the vote, but also that she will vote against the government.

A: Do not comment on the meeting

On Monday afternoon, Amineh Kakabaveh says she has not yet decided what to do before Tuesday’s vote.

– I have not decided, but it is not me who sacrifices him. It is the Social Democrats and the government. I have given them the ball for seven months, she says.

Amineh Kakabaveh believes that Monday’s meeting will be the last before the vote.

– I do not think there will be more meetings, she says.

The Social Democrats’ press service announces that the party will not comment on the meeting

Nor does Morgan Johansson’s press secretary want to comment on the meeting or Amineh Kakabaveh’s statement that she believes S is prepared to sacrifice Morgan Johansson.

Can be government crisis

At lunchtime on Tuesday, the Riksdag will vote on a no-confidence motion against Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Morgan Johansson. To overthrow the Minister, it is required that at least half of the Riksdag – 175 members – vote yes.

M, KD and L are behind the Sweden Democrats’ declaration of no confidence, which gives 174 votes. The political savage Amineh Kakabaveh has therefore been given a key role in the issue of no confidence.

At the same time, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson has threatened that the entire government will resign if the Minister of Justice is overthrown.

The text is updated.
